winspool.h header
This header is used by print. For more information, see:
winspool.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DeleteJobNamedProperty Deletes the named property for the specified print job on the specified printer. |
EnumJobNamedProperties This topic describes the EnumJobNamedProperties function. |
EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesA A print processor's EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes function enumerates the data types that the print processor supports. |
ExtDeviceMode The ExtDeviceMode function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit applications. |
FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification The FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification function informs the provider that an application has requested notification when a specified set of events occur. |
FreePrintNamedPropertyArray Describes the FreePrintNamedPropertyArray function. |
FreePrintPropertyValue Frees the value that is retrieved using GetJobNamedPropertyValue function. |
GetJobNamedPropertyValue Retrieves the value of the named property for the specified print job on the specified printer. |
GetPrintOutputInfo Learn more about: GetPrintOutputInfo function |
IsValidDevmodeA The print spooler's IsValidDevmode function verifies that the contents of a DEVMODE structure are valid. |
IsValidDevmodeW Learn how the print spooler's IsValidDevmode function verifies that the contents of a DEVMODE structure are valid. |
PrinterMessageBoxA This topic describes the PrinterMessageBoxA function. |
PrinterMessageBoxW This topic describes the PrinterMessageBoxW function. |
SetJobNamedProperty This topic describes the SetJobNamedProperty function. |
WaitForPrinterChange This topic describes the WaitForPrinterChange function. |
BIDI_DATA The BIDI_DATA structure is used to store the values of a bidi schema. |
BIDI_REQUEST_CONTAINER The BIDI_REQUEST_CONTAINER structure is a container for a list of bidi requests. |
BIDI_REQUEST_DATA The BIDI_REQUEST_DATA structure holds a single bidi request. |
BIDI_RESPONSE_CONTAINER The BIDI_RESPONSE_CONTAINER structure is a container for a list of bidi responses. |
BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA The BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA structure holds a single bidi response. |
BINARY_CONTAINER The BINARY_CONTAINER structure is a container for binary data. |
DRIVER_INFO_8A The DRIVER_INFO_8 structure contains printer driver information. |
DRIVER_INFO_8W Learn how the DRIVER_INFO_8 structure contains printer driver information. |
PRINT_EXECUTION_DATA This topic describes the PRINT_EXECUTION_DATA structure. |
PrintNamedProperty Learn more about: PrintNamedProperty structure |
PrintPropertiesCollection Learn more about: PrintPropertiesCollection structure |
PrintPropertyValue Describes the PrintPropertyValue structure. |
BIDI_TYPE The BIDI_TYPE enumeration lists the possible values of data transferred in a bidi operation. |
EPrintPropertyType This topic describes the EPrintPropertyType enumeration. |
EPrintXPSJobOperation This topic describes the EPrintXPSJobOperation enumeration. |
EPrintXPSJobProgress This topic describes the EPrintXPSJobProgress enumeration. |
PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT This topic describes the PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT enumeration. |