BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA structure (winspool.h)
The BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA structure holds a single bidi response.
typedef struct _BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA {
DWORD dwResult;
DWORD dwReqNumber;
LPWSTR pSchema;
Specifies the last error of the response.
Specifies a number used to match a response and a request in a multirequest operation.
Pointer to a memory location containing the first byte of the schema string.
Specifies a BIDI_DATA structure containing the data associated with the schema.
The spooler's RouterAllocBidiResponseContainer function is used to allocate the memory needed for a BIDI_RESPONSE_CONTAINER structure, which is then used to hold an array of BIDI_RESPONSE_DATA structures. When a BIDI_RESPONSE_CONTAINER structure is no longer needed, it should be freed by a call to RouterFreeBidiResponseContainer.
When the bidi action is BIDI_ACTION_GETALL, the dwReqNumber member holds the ID of the matching request in the BIDI_REQUEST_CONTAINER structure, the pSchema member points to the schema string associated with the data, and the data member holds the bidi data. If the bidi action is BIDI_ACTION_ENUM_SCHEMA, pSchema should be set to NULL, and the data member will hold the supported schema string. In this case, data.dwDataType is set to BIDI_TEXT (a BIDI_DATA enumerator). For information about the BIDI_ACTION_Xxx constants, see IBidiSpooler::MultiSendRecv in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | This structure is available in Windows XP and later operating systems. |
Header | winspool.h (include Winspool.h) |