wdfdmatransaction.h header
This header is used by wdf. For more information, see:
wdfdmatransaction.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources The WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources method reserves a single-packet or system-mode DMA enabler for exclusive (and repeated) use with the specified transaction object. |
WdfDmaTransactionCancel The WdfDmaTransactionCancel method attempts to cancel a DMA transaction that is waiting for the allocation of map registers. |
WdfDmaTransactionCreate The WdfDmaTransactionCreate method creates a DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompleted The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompleted method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation is completed. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedFinal The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedFinal method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation has completed with an underrun condition and supplies the length of the completed transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedWithLength The WdfDmaTransactionDmaCompletedWithLength method notifies the framework that a device's DMA transfer operation is complete and supplies the length of the completed transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionExecute The WdfDmaTransactionExecute method begins the execution of a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionFreeResources The WdfDmaTransactionFreeResources method releases DMA resources that the driver previously allocated by calling WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetBytesTransferred The WdfDmaTransactionGetBytesTransferred method returns the total number of bytes that have been transferred for a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetCurrentDmaTransferLength The WdfDmaTransactionGetCurrentDmaTransferLength method returns the size of the current DMA transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetDevice The WdfDmaTransactionGetDevice method returns a handle to the framework device object that is associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetRequest The WdfDmaTransactionGetRequest method retrieves a handle to the framework request object that is associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionGetTransferInfo The WdfDmaTransactionGetTransferInfo method returns the number of map registers and scatter/gather list entries required for an initialized DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitialize The WdfDmaTransactionInitialize method initializes a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingOffset The WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingOffset method initializes a specified DMA transaction by using a byte offset into an MDL chain. |
WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest The WdfDmaTransactionInitializeUsingRequest method initializes a specified DMA transaction by using the parameters of a specified I/O request. |
WdfDmaTransactionRelease The WdfDmaTransactionRelease method terminates a specified DMA transaction without deleting the associated DMA transaction object. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetChannelConfigurationCallback The WdfDmaTransactionSetChannelConfigurationCallback method registers a channel configuration event callback function for a system-mode DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetDeviceAddressOffset The WdfDmaTransactionSetDeviceAddressOffset method specifies the offset of the register that the system DMA controller will access when performing the DMA operation. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetImmediateExecution The WdfDmaTransactionSetImmediateExecution method marks the specified DMA transaction so that calls to WdfDmaTransactionExecute and WdfDmaTransactionAllocateResources initiate the transaction immediately or fail. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetMaximumLength The WdfDmaTransactionSetMaximumLength method sets the maximum length for the DMA transfers that are associated with a specified DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetSingleTransferRequirement The WdfDmaTransactionSetSingleTransferRequirement method specifies that a DMA transaction must complete in a single transfer. |
WdfDmaTransactionSetTransferCompleteCallback The WdfDmaTransactionSetTransferCompleteCallback method registers a transfer completion event callback function for a system-mode DMA transaction. |
WdfDmaTransactionStopSystemTransfer The WdfDmaTransactionStopSystemTransfer method attempts to stop a system-mode DMA transfer after the framework has called EvtProgramDma. |
WdfDmaTransactionWdmGetTransferContext The WdfDmaTransactionWdmGetTransferContext method retrieves the WDM transfer context that is associated with a DMA transaction. |
Callback functions
EVT_WDF_DMA_TRANSACTION_CONFIGURE_DMA_CHANNEL A driver's EvtDmaTransactionConfigureDmaChannel event callback function configures the DMA adapter for a system-mode DMA enabler. |
EVT_WDF_DMA_TRANSACTION_DMA_TRANSFER_COMPLETE A driver's EvtDmaTransactionDmaTransferComplete event callback function is called when the system-mode controller has completed the current DMA transfer. |
EVT_WDF_PROGRAM_DMA A framework-based driver's EvtProgramDma event callback function programs a specified device to perform a DMA transfer operation. |
EVT_WDF_RESERVE_DMA The EvtReserveDma event callback function is called when the framework has reserved resources to execute and release a transaction. Reserved resources include map registers and the WDM DMA adapter's lock. |