The PEP_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_SET_NAME structure contains query information about a set of performance state values (P-state set) for a component.


  [in]      PEPHANDLE DeviceHandle;
  [in]      ULONG     Component;
  [in]      ULONG     Set;
  [in, out] USHORT    NameSize;
  [in]      PWCHAR    Name;


[in] DeviceHandle

A PEPHANDLE value that identifies the device. The PEP supplied this handle in response to a previous PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification.

[in] Component

The index that identifies the component. This member is an index into the Components array in the PEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2 structure that the PEP previously supplied in response to the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification for this device. If the Components array contains N elements, component indexes range from 0 to N–1.

[in] Set

The index that identifies this P-state set. If this component has M P-state sets, P-state set indexes range from 0 to M–1. The PEP previously specified the number of P-state sets in response to a PEP_DPM_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_CAPABILITIES notification.

[in, NameSize

On input, the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the Name member. If Name is NULL, the PEP overwrites the input value of NameSize with the buffer size required for the name string.

[in] Name

A pointer to an output buffer. The PEP writes the name of the P-state to this buffer. The name is stored as a wide-character, null-terminated string. The Name member is NULL if the Windows power management framework (PoFx) needs to determine how large a buffer to allocate for the name string. If Name is non-NULL, the buffer must be large enough to contain the entire string, including the terminating null character.


This structure is used by the PEP_DPM_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_SET_NAME notification. The DeviceHandle, Component, and Set members of the structure contain input values supplied by PoFx when this notification is sent. If the Name member is non-NULL, the PEP writes a string to the buffer pointed to by Name. If Name is NULL, PEP writes the required buffer size to the NameSize member.

The string that the PEP writes to the output buffer should contain a descriptive name for the P-state set. This name is intended to make log entries and diagnostic messages easier to understand.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pepfx.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also