dbgmodel.h header
This header is used to create debugger data model apps. For more information, see:
dbgmodel.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IActionableConcept A concept mechanism for implementing actions. Clients may choose to either implement this interface or place appropriate metadata on effective void(void) methods. (dbgmodel.h) |
IActionEnumerator An enumerator for actions on an object. (dbgmodel.h) |
IActionQueryConcept A concept which is automatically implemented by the data model for any object which has (or can have) actions on it. (dbgmodel.h) |
ICodeAddressConcept The ICodeAddressConcept allows the the use of a code address model that is code addressable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IComparableConcept The IComparableConcept interface compares this object to another object of arbitrary type. E_NOT_SET is returned if the comparison cannot be performed. |
IConstructableConcept A concept that a data model can support in order to allow for construction of the object. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelConcept Any object which represents a data model which is registered under a name or is registered for a particular type signature must implement this concept and add it to the data model object via IModelObject::SetConcept. |
IDataModelManager The core interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. |
IDataModelManager2 The second version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. |
IDataModelManager3 The third version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelManager4 The fourth version of the interface for the data model manager. This is the interface by which new objects are created, intrinsic values are boxed and unboxed, and models are registered for types. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelNameBinder Interface to a name binder – a component which can associate names in a context with objects or symbols. |
IDataModelScript An abstraction of a particular script which is being managed by the provider. Each script which is loaded or being edited has a separate IDataModelScript instance. |
IDataModelScript2 This is the second version of the core script interface. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDataModelScriptClient Interface a component directly using debugger script must implement as a multi-way communication channel with the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebug The core interface that a script provider must provide in order to make a script debuggable. |
IDataModelScriptDebug2 An optional interface on scripts (objects which implement IDataModelScript). |
IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpoint An interface to a breakpoint on the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebugBreakpointEnumerator An enumerator of breakpoints within the script. |
IDataModelScriptDebugClient The client of the script debugger implements this interface as a part of a two-way communication channel with the script debugger. |
IDataModelScriptDebugStack An interface to a stack in the script. The script provider implements this interface to expose the notion of a call stack to the script debugger. |
IDataModelScriptDebugStackFrame An interface to a stack frame in the script. The script provider implements this interface to expose the notion of a particular stack frame within the call stack. |
IDataModelScriptDebugVariableSetEnumerator Enumerates a set of variables (arguments, parameters, locals, etc...) |
IDataModelScriptHostContext Implemented by the underlying host debugger, represents information about where the debug host is bridging the script. |
IDataModelScriptManager The core interface to the script management capabilities of the data model manager. Queried from the data model manager. |
IDataModelScriptProvider Any script provider implementing a bridge between a dynamic language and the data model must implement this interface to represent the provider. |
IDataModelScriptProviderEnumerator An enumerator which returns a set of known script providers. |
IDataModelScriptTemplate Any script provider wanting to have pre-filled template content implements this interface per template. |
IDataModelScriptTemplateEnumerator An enumerator which enumerates an available set of script templates. |
IDebugHost The core interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostBaseClass An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to a base class. |
IDebugHostBaseClass2 The second version of an extended specialization of IDebugHostSymbol which represents a base class. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostConstant Represents a constant within symbolic information (a non-type template argument in C++). |
IDebugHostContext Represents a context of the debugger answers questions about (what session, process, thread). (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostContext2 Represents a context of the debugger answers questions about (what session, process, thread). Version 2. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostContextAlternator This dbgmodel.h interface allows to change the "current" context (the internal state) of the debugger (IDebugHostContext). |
IDebugHostContextControl This dbgmodel.h interface allows to change the "current" context (the internal state) of the debugger (IDebugHostContext). |
IDebugHostContextExtensibility An OPTIONAL dbgmodel.h interface for hosts to support that allows certain extensions. |
IDebugHostContextExtension An optional dbgmodel interface on host contexts that allows for extensibility based modification. |
IDebugHostContextTargetComposition An interface which bridges the extensibility of the upper edge interfaces (the data model) with those of the lower edge (target composition) for a particular host context. |
IDebugHostData An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to data. |
IDebugHostErrorSink An interface to which errors will be sinked. |
IDebugHostEvaluator The IDebugHostEvaluator (dbgmodel.h) interface provides access to the language based expression evaluator in the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostEvaluator2 The IDebugHostEvaluator2 (dbgmodel.h) interface provides access to the language based expression evaluator in the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostEvaluator3 The version 3 expression evaluator interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostExtensibility The extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostExtensibility2 The version 2 of the extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostExtensibility3 The version 3 of the extensibility interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostField Represents a field within a structure or class. |
IDebugHostField2 Version 2 of IDebugHostField, which is a specialization of IDebugHostSymbol, which represents a field of a class or struct. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection A host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection2 The version 2 of a host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionIntrospection3 The version 3 of a host optional interface which provides detailed information about a function. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetails A host optional interface which provides details about a function local variable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetails2 The version 2 of a host optional interface which provides details about a function local variable. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalDetailsEnumerator A host optional dbgmodel.h interface which enumerates locals & arguments of a function and provides details about their backing storage and types. |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorage Optional introspection interfaces that defines where a local is stored. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorage2 The version 2 of an optional introspection interface that defines where a local is stored. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorageEnumerator IDebugHostFunctionLocalStorageEnumerator provides an interface to storage for the local (what registers or memory locations. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostMemory The IDebugHostMemory (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory2 The IDebugHostMemory2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory3 The IDebugHostMemory3 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory4 The IDebugHostMemory4 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostMemory5 The IDebugHostMemory5 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide memory access to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostModule The IDebugHostModule (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule2 The IDebugHostModule2 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule3 The IDebugHostModule3 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule4 The IDebugHostModule4 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModule5 The IDebugHostModule5 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular module. |
IDebugHostModuleSignature Represents a module signature -- a definition which will match a set of modules by name and/or version. |
IDebugHostPublic An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to a public symbol (address/name only). |
IDebugHostScriptHost An interface which the underlying debugger host must implement in order to manage data model scripts. |
IDebugHostStatus An interface allowing a client to query for the status of the host. |
IDebugHostStatus2 The version 2 of an interface allowing a client to query for the status of the host. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbol The IDebugHostSymbol (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbol2 The IDebugHostSymbol2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbol3 The IDebugHostSymbol3(dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide access to a particular symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbolEnumerator An enumerator which runs through children of a symbol. |
IDebugHostSymbols The symbols interface to the underlying debugger. |
IDebugHostSymbols2 Version 2 of the symbols interface to the underlying debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbolsTargetComposition IDebugHostSymbolsTargetComposition provides interfaces which bridges the extensibility of the upper edge interfaces (the data model) with those of the lower edge (target composition) for symbols. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostSymbolSubstitutionEnumerator An interface for enumerating symbols with substitution text. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostTaggedUnionRangeEnumerator IDebugHostTaggedUnionRangeEnumerator enumerates a set of tag ranges for a tagged union case. (dbgmodel.h) |
IDebugHostType The IDebugHostType (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType2 The IDebugHostType2 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType3 The IDebugHostType3 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType4 The IDebugHostType4 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType5 The IDebugHostType5 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostType6 The IDebugHostType6 (dbgmodel.h) interface is an IDebugHostSymbol derived interface that provides access to a particular type. |
IDebugHostTypeSignature Represents a type signature against which type instances can be matched. |
IDeconstructableConcept A concept that a data model can support in order to decompose an object into a set of arguments which can be passed to the constructable concept in order to create a new identical instance of the object (dbgmodel.h). |
IDynamicConceptProviderConcept The IDynamicConceptProviderConcept (dbgmodel.h) interface provides methods that allow a client to take over the storage of keys and values for an object. |
IDynamicKeyProviderConcept The IDynamicKeyProviderConcept (dbgmodel.h) interface provides methods that allow a client to take over the storage of keys and values for an object. |
IEquatableConcept Supports the ability to compare this object to another (of arbitrary type) for equality. |
IFilteredNamespacePropertyToken Provides an extension to the data model functionality for manipulating namespaces. (dbgmodel.h) |
IHostDataModelAccess IHostDataModelAccess is the bridge interface between the legacy IDebug* interfaces of Debugging Tools for Windows and the data model. |
IIndexableConcept Any object which is a container that supports random access retrieval of elements from given N-dimensional indexers implements IIndexableConcept. |
IIterableConcept The object is a container and can be iterated. |
IKeyEnumerator An enumerator which runs through keys on an object. |
IKeyStore A key/value store. Typically used for metadata. |
IModelIterator An iterator of contained objects (client implemented and returned by IIterableConcept). |
IModelKeyReference The IModelKeyReference (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide a reference to a key on a data model object. |
IModelKeyReference2 The IModelKeyReference2 (dbgmodel.h) interface defines methods that provide a reference to a key on a data model object. |
IModelMethod Represents a method which can be called. |
IModelObject The IModelObject interface encapsulates the notion of an object -- whether that object is an integer, a string, some complex type in the target address space of the debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IModelObject2 The IModelObject2 interface encapsulates the notion of an object -- whether that object is an integer, a string, some complex type in the target address space of the debugger. (dbgmodel.h) |
IModelPropertyAccessor The data model representation of a property accessor (get/set). |
INamedModelsEnumerator An interface which enumerates registered named models and their associated name. (dbgmodel.h) |
IObjectWrapperConcept An object which is a wrapper for another object can implement this concept to indicate such. (dbgmodel.h) |
IPreferredRuntimeTypeConcept Interface which clients can implement if they can provide better dynamic runtime type analysis for a given type than the debugger can acquire through RTTI or v-table analysis. |
IRawEnumerator An interface which enumerates the raw children (base classes, fields, etc...) of an object (and their values and associated metadata). |
IStringDisplayableConcept Interface which clients must implement on any object which is convertible to a display string. |
BindProperty A binder which converts two instance methods on a class to a read/write property accessor. |
BindProperty A binder which converts two lambdas to a read/write property accessor. |
BindReadOnlyProperty A binder which converts an instance methods on a class to a read only property accessor. |
BindReadOnlyProperty TA binder which converts one instance method on a class to a read-only property accessor. |
ConvertException Trap and convert all exceptions coming out of a functor to an appropriate HRESULT. |
CreateDataModelManager The initial call a host performs to create and initialize the data model. |
ArrayDimension Defines the memory layout of one dimension of an array. |
ExtendedArrayDimension The ExtendedArrayDimension struct provides details about an array dimension, including how to interpret the remainder of the information in the array dimension, lower bounds, length, and stride. |
Location Defines the location for an object. This particular variant of Location is the C-COM access struct. |
ScriptDebugEventInformation A struct containing information about a particular debug event. |
ScriptDebugPosition Defines a position within a script. |
SymbolSearchInfo The SymbolSearchInfo (dbgmodel.h) structure contains a search record that is passed to EnumerateChildrenEx in order to restrict symbol searches. |
TypeSearchInfo The TypeSearchInfo (dbgmodel.h) structure contains a search record passed to EnumerateChildrenEx specifically for SymbolType searches. |
AddressSpaceRelation Defines the kind of address space being used. |
CallingConventionKind Defines the kind of calling convention of a function type. |
ErrorClass Defines the class of error which is being reported to the host. |
ExtendedArrayDimensionFlags This enum defines the memory layout of one dimension of an extended array. |
IntrinsicKind Defines the kind of an intrinsic (basic) type. This is distinct from the variant type which carries the type. |
KnownCompiler The KnownCompiler enumeration identifies a well-known set of compilers. |
LanguageKind Identifies the programming language of the compiler. |
LocalKind Defines the kind of local that a particular name is (whether an argument to the function or a local variable). |
LocationKind Defines the location of a field or other data. |
ModelObjectKind Describes what an IModelObject is intrinsically. |
PointerKind Learn more about: PointerKind enumeration |
PreferredFormat Predefined values of the "PreferredFormat" key which may appear as the metadata on a returned key value. |
RawSearchFlags Flags to GetRawValue/EnumerateRawValues. |
ScriptChangeKind Indicates the type of notification firing to the host. |
ScriptDebugEvent The ScriptDebugEvent (dbgmodel.h) enumeration defines values that indicate the type of debug event that has occurred. |
ScriptDebugEventFilter The ScriptDebugEventFilter (dbgmodel.h) enumeration defines the set of debug events or exceptions which the script debugger can, potentially, auto-break on. |
ScriptDebugState Defines the current debugging state of a script. |
ScriptExecutionKind Defines the kind of execution to do. |
SignatureComparison Describes how a type or two signatures compare. |
StorageKind The StorageKind enum defines where a local is stored. |
SymbolKind Defines the kind of a symbol. |
SymbolSearchOptions Symbols search options. |
TypeKind Defines the kind of a type. |
UDTKind The UDTKind enum defines the nature of the User-Defined Type (UDT) in question. |
VarArgsKind Defines the style of variable arguments that a function definition takes. |
WrappedObjectPreference The WrappedObjectPreference enum indicates a preference for how the wrapper and the wrapped object should be treated. |