IDataModelScriptClient interface (dbgmodel.h)

Interface a component directly using debugger script must implement as a multi-way communication channel with the script.


IDataModelScriptClient inherits from IUnknown.


The IDataModelScriptClient interface has these methods.


The IDataModelScriptClient::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object.

The IDataModelScriptClient::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object.

The IDataModelScriptClient::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object.

If an error occurs during execution or invocation of the script, the script provider calls the ReportError method to notify the user interface of the error.


A client interface which is used by the script provider in order to communicate information to a user interface. Script providers do not implement this interface. The application hosting the data model which wishes to make use of script providers does. A script provider will call into methods of the script client to report status, errors, etc...


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

Debugger Data Model C++ Overview