Questions set up in Program Summary


The term item refers to any question or statement posed to a survey taker.

Admins can add or modify survey items on the Questions page.

Screenshot of where to access Questions setup from Program Summary.

Refer to the Learn about Viva Glint program design module to learn how to implement your organization's listening strategy in your survey program question setup.

Use Glint's survey templates

Standard templates provide prepopulated survey items, along with customizable introductory and concluding text. The Viva Glint People Science Team researches and substantiates prepopulated survey items.

Edit the survey introduction message

Customize the introduction message for the survey by hovering over the box with the Hello message and select it. In the Edit Survey Intro slider panel:

  1. Select languages from the Language dropdown menu. Languages selected in General Settings are available.

  2. Edit Greeting - "Hello" is prepopulated, but can be customized for your organization.

  3. Edit Text - You see default text in the Text box. All default text can be edited. Delete macros or add macros by selecting the blue plus sign (+) in the Text box.

  4. Select Save Changes.

    Screenshot of where to customize introductory text.

Add a logo to the survey intro


Ensure that logos are horizontally oriented, have a transparent background, and 16MB or smaller in file size.

  1. From the admin dashboard, select Configuration. In the Action Taking section, select Content Resources.
  2. Select + New to add a new resource and OK in the languages message that appears.
  3. Add a new title in the Untitled Resource and Title fields. Survey intro logos can be unique to each survey program. Include the survey name in the title if needed.
  4. In the Type field, select Image.
  5. Optionally, add a Description.
  6. In the File field, select Choose File. Choose the image file on your device. A preview of the image appears. If the image is as you'd like, select Save.
  7. Select Publish and then select Publish again in the Publish Resource dialog box that appears.
  8. On the Resources page, filter to Image and copy the text of the recently added image from the Name column.
  9. Replace "logo-name" in this text with the name of your uploaded logo: ![logo-name](logo-name "logo-name")
  10. Copy and paste the ![logo-name](logo-name "logo-name") text (with your logo name added) and paste into the end of the Text field in the survey introduction message.
  11. Select Save Changes.
  12. Preview your survey to confirm that this process is successful.

Edit survey items


Survey items can be edited during the initial survey configuration and sometimes during a live survey. Read about editing live survey items.

There are three entry points where survey items can be edited:

  • In the Question Library on your admin dashboard. This entry point doesn't require that the survey is changed to an unapproved state.
  • In Survey Programs, Live
  • In Upcoming Surveys


Allow Survey Resubmission in the Program Setup must be toggled to Yes. If not, an alert informs you that the change to Yes happens automatically when edits are saved. Select Edit to continue.

Edit a survey item from the Questions page

Hover over the item to display the horizontal ellipses. Select Edit Question from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the dropdown menu next to survey items.

In the Edit Question panel that opens, there are two tabs to consider:

  • Question configuration
  • Associated Programs

Question Configuration tab

Screenshot of the Edit Question panel.

Follow the in-platform guidance for edits to your chosen item. Select Save Changes when you're finished.

Associated Programs tab

On this page, you see a list of each program your edited survey item appears in. The example image shows just a portion of the list of 161 associated programs for the chosen item.

Be sure you're comfortable changing the item for each program.

Screenshot of the Associated Programs tab.

Screenshot of a portion of an Associated Program list.

Survey item targeting

Add a target to a specific item to ensure that only the population selected sees it in the survey. Using the search box, select one or more User Roles to include or exclude. Select Save Changes.

Delete survey items

Remove an item from the program by selecting Yes, delete it in the box that displays. If you don't want to delete, select No, I changed my mind.

Edit the "Thank You!" message

Customize the Thank You concluding message for the survey by hovering over the box and selecting it. In the window that opens:

  1. Select languages from the Language dropdown menu. Languages permissioned for your organization in General Settings are available.
  2. Edit Greeting - "Thank you!" is prepopulated, but customize the greeting in a way that's comfortable for you.
  3. Edit Text - You see dummy text in the Text box.
    • All dummy text can be edited.
    • The Text field also includes placeholders, called macros, that pull in values based on your employee data or Glint-generated items. Delete macros or add new macros by selecting the blue plus sign (+) in the Text box.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Edit Question cycles

You don't have to use all of the items selected for a survey in each cycle. Choose survey items per program cycle by selecting the corresponding cycle number next to the item. For example, if you only want a certain item asked on the first survey, deselect all numbers except for the number 1.

Add new items and section breaks

To add rating questions, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, or section breaks (to give your people time to take a natural pause), follow this guidance: Adding items to a prepopulated survey.

Edit Display Logic


Wait to add display logic until after you've arranged your sections and items in the order you want.

  1. In the Display Logic window, set the Overall logic for conditions and Conditions or Subconditions.
  2. Select + Add new condition to add more.

Use this guidance to manage display logic

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