Custom Models


Analyze Document

Extract key-value pairs, tables, and semantic values from a given document. The input document must be of one of the supported content types - 'application/pdf'...

Authorize Model Copy

Generate authorization to copy a model into the target Form Recognizer resource.


Compose request would include list of models ids. It would validate what all models either trained with labels model or composed model. It would validate limit of...


Copy custom model stored in this resource (the source) to user specified target Form Recognizer resource.


Mark model for deletion. Model artifacts will be permanently removed within a predetermined period.


Get detailed information about a custom model.

Get Analyze Result

Obtain current status and the result of the analyze form operation.

Get Copy Result

Obtain current status and the result of a custom model copy operation.

Get Summary

Get information about all custom models


Get information about all custom models


Create and train a custom model. The request must include a source parameter that is either an externally accessible Azure storage blob container Uri (preferabl...