FieldData Class
Contains the data for the form field. This includes the text, location of the text on the form, and a collection of the elements that make up the text.
New in version v2.1: FormSelectionMark is added to the types returned in the list of field_elements, support for to_dict and from_dict methods
FieldData(**kwargs: Any)
from_dict |
Converts a dict in the shape of a FieldData to the model itself. |
to_dict |
Returns a dict representation of FieldData. |
A list of 4 points representing the quadrilateral bounding box that outlines the text. The points are listed in clockwise order: top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. Units are in pixels for images and inches for PDF.
bounding_box: List[Point]
When include_field_elements is set to true, a list of elements constituting this field or value is returned. The list constitutes of elements such as lines, words, and selection marks.
field_elements: List[FormElement | FormWord | FormLine | FormSelectionMark]
The 1-based number of the page in which this content is present.
page_number: int
The string representation of the field or value.
text: str
Azure SDK for Python