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KinectSensor.setHitTestHandler Function

Kinect for Windows 1.8

Sets the hit test handler.




  • handler
    Type: Function

    Callback function to call when an interaction stream needs information to adjust a hand pointer position relative to the UI. This function should have the parameters listed in the following table.

    Parameter name Type Description
    skeletonTrackingId Number The tracking ID of the skeleton for which interaction information is being retrieved.
    handType String Specifies "left" or "right" to represent the hand type for which interaction information is being retrieved.
    x Number The x-coordinate of location in the UI for which interaction information is being retrieved. A value of 0.0 corresponds to the left edge of the interaction region. A value of 1.0 corresponds to the right edge of the interaction region.
    y Number The y-coordinate of location in the UI for which interaction information is being retrieved. A value of 0.0 corresponds to the top edge of the interaction region. A value of 1.0 corresponds to the bottom edge of the interaction region.


Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js

See Also


KinectSensor Interface
Core Components