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KinectSensor Interface

Kinect for Windows 1.8

Configures the Kinect sensor and sets handlers for events and frames.


var sensor = Kinect.sensor();


KinectSensor has the following members.


Name Description
KinectSensor.addEventHandler Function Adds the specified event handler.
KinectSensor.addStreamFrameHandler Function Adds the specified stream frame handler.
KinectSensor.connect Function Enables the connection to the server.
KinectSensor.disconnect Function Disables the connection to the server.
KinectSensor.getConfig Function Retrieves the current sensor configuration.
KinectSensor.postConfig Function Updates the sensor configuration.
KinectSensor.removeEventHandler Function Removes the specified event handler, or removes all event handlers.
KinectSensor.removeStreamFrameHandler Function Removes the specified stream frame handler, or removes all stream frame handlers.
KinectSensor.setHitTestHandler Function Sets the hit test handler.


Name Description
KinectSensor.isConnected Property Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the connection to the server is currently enabled.


Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js

See Also


Core Components