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KinectUIAdapter Interface

Kinect for Windows 1.8

Allows your application to control the Kinect user interface.


var sensor = Kinect.sensor();
var uiAdapter = KinectUI.createAdapter(sensor);


KinectUIAdapter has the following members.


Name Description
KinectUIAdapter.addHitTestExclusion Function Adds the specified HTML element to the collection of elements to exclude from hit testing.
KinectUIAdapter.bindStreamToCanvas Function Binds the specified canvas element to the specified image stream.
KinectUIAdapter.clearHandPointers Function Resets the handPointers array to its initial empty state.
KinectUIAdapter.createDefaultCursor Function Creates a HandPointerCursor interface with the default settings.
KinectUIAdapter.disableEvents Function Disables triggering of UI events as interaction frames are received.
KinectUIAdapter.enableEvents Function Enables triggering of UI events as interaction frames are received.
KinectUIAdapter.hitTestHandler Function Callback function to call when an interaction stream needs information to adjust a hand pointer position relative to the UI. Function Removes the specified handler for the specified global UI event, or removes all event handlers for the specified global UI event.
KinectUIAdapter.on Function Attaches a new handler for the specified global UI event.
KinectUIAdapter.promoteButtons Function Configures each DOM element in the specified array or HTMLCollection to act as a Kinect UI button.
KinectUIAdapter.removeHitTestExclusion Function Removes the specified HTML element from the collection of elements to exclude from hit testing.
KinectUIAdapter.streamFrameHandler Function Callback function that is called when a stream frame is ready to be processed.
KinectUIAdapter.unbindStreamFromCanvas Function Unbinds the specified image stream from any bound canvas element.


Name Description
KinectUIAdapter.handPointers Property Gets or sets a collection of HandPointer interfaces, each of which represents the cursor for a single tracked user hand.


Library: Kinect-1.8.0.js

See Also


UI Components