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CAB Wizard (Compact 2013)


This tool packages an application or update in a cabinet (.cab) file to facilitate installation on the target device.


cabwiz inf_file [/dest dest_dir] [/err err_file] [/nouninstall] 
     [/prexml xml_file] [/postxml xml_file] 
     [/cpu cpu_type [cpu_type]] [/platform platform_name] [/compress] 


  • inf_file
    Full path and file name of the .inf file that the CAB Wizard uses to create the .cab file. This file must be UTF-8 encoded if it contains extended characters.
  • /dest
    (Optional) Specifies the user-selected destination directory for the .cab files.

    If this parameter is omitted, the .cab file is built in the same directory as the .inf file.

  • /err
    (Optional) Specifies the name of a log file that contains all warnings and errors that are encountered when the .cab files are compiled.
  • /nouninstall
    (Optional) Specifies that the application does not appear in the Remove Programs dialog box on the target device.


    When this parameter is used, the associated application cannot be uninstalled.

  • /prexml
    (Optional) Specifies an .xml file to prepend to _setup.xml. For information about the contents and usage of _setup.xml, see Provisioning XML Document.
  • /postxml
    (Optional) Specifies an .xml file to append to _setup.xml.
  • /cpu
    (Optional) Creates a .cab file for each processor type that you specify using one or more arbitrary labels that differentiate between processor types in the setup .inf file. For more information, see CEDevice.
  • /platform
    (Optional) Creates a .cab file for each platform label that you specify in the associated .inf file.

    Use this parameter only if the associated .inf file contains a [CEDevice] section. Otherwise, the .cab file is not created. For more information, see Platform and CEDevice.

  • /compress
    (Optional) Specifies that the .cab file is compressed.


The following code example creates a .cab file for an ARM-family processor, assuming that the setup .inf file contains the associated hardware platform label MyARMDevice.

cabwiz.exe "c:\myfile.inf" /err myfile.err /cpu MyARMDevice

The following code example creates two .cab files for the ARM-family processor and the processor associated with your emulator, assuming that the setup .inf file contains the MyARMDevice and MyEMUL hardware platform labels.

cabwiz.exe MyFile.inf /cpu MyARMDevice MyEMUL


The .cab file that you create by using the CAB Wizard can copy files, apply registry settings, or run custom code during installation and uninstallation when you include a Setup.dll file with your setup.

You create a .cab file by first using a text editor to create an .inf file, and then using the CAB Wizard command-line tool. This creates an unsigned .cab file. For Windows Embedded Compact, the CAB Wizard is typically found in <Platform Builder installation path>\Public\Common\Oak\Bin\i386.

To install an update onto a target device, the run-time image on that device must support SYSGEN_WCELOAD.

For more information about .inf files, see Information (.inf) File Overview. For more information about .cab files, see Cabinet (cab) File Overview.

Because the CAB Wizard can use a single .inf file and multiple application binaries to create multiple .cab files, you can use the /cpu and /platform parameters to create a separate .cab file for each specific processor or platform type you specify.

See Also


Platform Builder Command Line Tools