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Provisioning XML Document (Compact 2013)


This XML document is a provisioning XML file, also known as an Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Client Provisioning (OMA-CP) XML file, which is a document that is exchanged by a provisioning source and a Windows Embedded Compact powered device.


   <characteristic type="Root-level configuration service provider1">
      <characteristic type="First-level Characteristic">
         <parm name="ParmName" value="ParmValue"/>
   <characteristic type="Root-level configuration service provider2">
      <characteristic type="First-level Characteristic">
         <parm name="ParmName" value="ParmValue"/>


Element name




Groups settings for a configuration service provider.

You can create characteristic elements within a characteristic element.


The configuration service provider.


Omit this attribute to indicate that translation is not required.

Set to "filesystem" to remove all double backslashes from file paths.

Set to "install" to include all the translations done for "filesystem." The "install" value is used by application installation management to translate Windows Embedded Compact strings and the %InstallDir% variable.

Strings that start and end with "%" represent variables for paths, for example %_WINCEROOT%", and are not supported by the translation attribute.


When an error occurs in a characteristic element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a characteristic-error element.


The type of characteristic that caused the error.


A description of the error.


Use this element to query the setting values specified by the characteristic in the type attribute.


The type of characteristic to query.


Set to TRUE or omit this attribute to recursively query the complete tree under the characteristic.

Set to FALSE to query only settings nested one level in from the starting point.

Metabase, Wi-Fi, and Registry configuration service providers support the recursive attribute.


When an error occurs in a characteristic-query element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a characteristic-query-error element.


The type of characteristic-query element that caused the error.


A description of the error.


In a request document, the settings to be removed from the device.

In a response document, the elements that are removed.


The type of characteristic element to remove.


When an error occurs in a nocharacteristic element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a nocharacteristic-error element.


The name of the nocharacteristic element that caused the error.


A description of the error.


In a request document, a setting to be removed.

In a response document, indicates that the parm identified by the name attribute does not exist.


The name of the setting to remove.


When an error occurs in a noparm element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a noparm-error element.


The name of the noparm element that caused the error.


A description of the error.


Metadata that describes a device setting.

Many of the attributes in this element are only returned in a response document.

This XML element is used to specify a setting under the parent characteristic element. You can use this element to set configuration data on the device.

Configuration service providers interpret parm elements, and also characteristic elements, as instructions to update device settings.


One of the following data types for the parameter: integer, string, float, Boolean, binary, and multiplestring.


The label for the UI control that corresponds to the parm element.


The maxlength attribute is only returned in the response document. It cannot be used in a request document.

The maximum number of characters for the parm element.


The maxvalue attribute is only returned in the response document. It cannot be used in a request document.

The maximum value for numeric data in the parm element.


The minvalue attribute is only returned in the response document. It cannot be used in a request document.

The minimum value for numeric data in the parm element.


Set to the options you want to provide to a user as a list delimited by Unicode character U+F000.

Options are displayed in the order in which you enter them in this list.


Set to 1 to indicate that the user can select multiple options. Set to 0 to indicate that the user cannot select multiple options.

If options is not specified or the control specified does not allow for multiple selections, this option is ignored.

If there are multiple values in the value attribute, Windows Embedded Compact sets this attribute to 1 in a response document.


The name of the parameter. If you do not set a label attribute, then the name attribute is displayed in the user interface.


Set to 0 or omit to overwrite the parameter value. Set to 1 to prevent this parameter from being overwritten if it already exists.


One of the following read and write permissions for a setting

  • 1   The setting is read-only.
  • 2   The setting is write-only.
  • 3   The default, the setting is read/write.

The meaning of the value of the parameter, for example, e-mail, alphanumeric-password, numeric-password, currency, URL, file, text, phone-number, label, or invisible.


Indicates whether strings in the value attribute must be translated to other formats or strings.

Omit to indicate no translation is required.

Set to "filesystem" to remove double backslashes from file paths.

Set to "install" to translate Windows Embedded Compact strings and the %InstallDir% variable.


The value to set for the parameter.

In a request document, to set multiple values, use the character 0xF000 to separate each string and end the list by using two 0xF000, for example:

<parm name="parm1" value="one&#xF000;Two&#xF000;&xF000;"/>

In a response document, if the multiple attribute is 1, then this value may have multiple values delimited by the Unicode character U+F000.


When an error occurs in a parm element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a parm-error element.


The name of the parm element that caused the error.


The original value of the parm element.


A description of the error.


Specifies a request for the current value of a setting.


The name of the requested setting.


When an error occurs in a parm-query element, Windows Embedded Compact changes the element to a parm-query-error element.


The name of the parm-query element that caused the error.


A description of the error.


Top-level document element.

None required.


A request document is a provisioning XML file that you send to a device to request to change its settings. A response document is an XML file that the device returns to you to report the results of the provisioning change.

One provisioning XML file can include information for multiple configuration service providers.

Using the parm-query and characteristic-query elements in XML in the OMA-CP provisioning scenario is not supported.

For information about the XML elements and custom attribute values supported by a specific configuration service provider, see Configuration Service Provider Reference.

To process a Provisioning XML Document, use IConfigManager.


The following code example sends a query to the device and requests the value of the .Scheme setting.

 <characteristic type="SndScheme">
  <characteristic type="HKLM\Snd\Event">
   <parm-query name=".Scheme"/>

See Also

Other Resources

Device Management