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Classes for Application Management (Compact 2013)


The list below describes the classes that you use to create an application, access a visual host, or encapsulate objects in XAML for Windows Embedded, a native (C++) UI development framework for Windows Embedded Compact powered devices that is founded on Microsoft Silverlight 3.




Represents a singleton object that runs a XAML for Windows Embedded application.


Stores information about graphics hardware acceleration.


Represents a base class for objects that request support for rendering bitmaps by using graphics hardware acceleration.


Creates instances of custom user controls in XAML for Windows Embedded.

IXRDelegate<ArgType, [SenderType]>

Represents a delegate object customized for a specific kind of event.


Represents a base class for objects that can register and own dependency properties in the XAML for Windows Embedded dependency property system.


Provides support to the internal imaging factory for resolving and loading resources.


Hosts the visual tree of objects inside a Window (HWND) container so that the objects, both parsed from XAML and created in C++, can respond to events and window messages at run time.


Encapsulates an object, and implements functionality that resembles the Component Object Model (COM) for the object when you create an instance.


Encapsulates a COM interface pointer to a XAML for Windows Embedded object and is called a smart pointer. The template class manages resource allocation and deallocation through function calls to the IUnknown methods: QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release.


Describes both the value type and the actual value of a dependency property or attached property in XAML for Windows Embedded.

See Also


XAML for Windows Embedded Classes
Classes for UI Element Management
Classes for Collection Management
Classes for Ink Input
Classes for Visual Appearance
Classes for Animation Storyboards
Classes for Populating UI Elements with Data