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Classes for Populating UI Elements with Data (Compact 2013)


The list below describes the classes that you use to populate UI elements with data that is stored in data source objects or data source collections in XAML for Windows Embedded, a native (C++) UI development framework for Windows Embedded Compact powered devices that is founded on Microsoft Silverlight 3.




Provides methods that compare two objects or two text strings to determine whether a given object or text string is contained in a collection of enumerated data source objects.


Provides a method to convert an object from an XRValue to an item of type ItemType.


Manages the lifetime of items in a data-source collection by providing functionality that adds and releases references to the items.


Represents a collection of data source objects of type XRValue that you can set as the data context for an IXRItemsControl.


Represents a custom event that a data-source object raises when a data-source property value changes.


Represents a base class for collections that are used as data sources for data binding.


Provides methods that enumerate XRValue objects in an IXRValueCollection collection.


Represents a collection of XRValue objects that you can access individually by specifying an item’s index value.


Provides a method that obtains the CollectionChanged event.


Provides methods that the XAML for Windows Embedded data binding engine uses to access or modify the value of a property of a data source object.


Provides a method that resolves property objects by name in a property bag for a data source object.


Represents a property in a property bag.


Represents the base class for an enumerable collection of XRValue objects.


Contains a pointer to an object that represents a data source property.


Represents a property that is a text string of type BSTR.


Represents a property that is a common data type, such as an integer or Boolean value.


Represents a property in a property bag and sends notifications when the value of the property changes.


Manages access to properties in a property bag for a data source object, and provides access to the PropertyChanged event for the property bag.


Creates a critical section object automatically when you create an instance and deletes it when you release the instance.


Represents a data source collection that sends notifications when the collection changes, and enables you to create an object instance that has functionality that resembles the Component Object Model (COM).


Provides an intermediate base class for a custom implementation of a property bag for a data source object.


Represents a collection of data source objects, and supports creating an instance of the collection object whose functionality resembles COM.


Represents an intermediate base class for collections of data source objects of type ItemType.

See Also


XAML for Windows Embedded Classes

Other Resources

XAML for Windows Embedded