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IXRUIElement (Compact 2013)


This C++ class is the base class for most objects in XAML for Windows Embedded that are graphical and can process basic user input.


class IXRUIElement : public IXRDependencyObject

Inheritance Hierarchy

















Attaches a delegate to the Gesture event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the Gesture event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the GotFocus event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the GotFocus event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the KeyDown event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the KeyDown event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the KeyUp event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the KeyUp event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the LostFocus event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the LostFocus event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the LostMouseCapture event for this UI element. When the element raises the LostMouseCapture event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseEnter event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseEnter event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseLeave event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseLeave event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseLeftButtonDown event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseLeftButtonDown event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseLeftButtonUp event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseLeftButtonUp event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseMove event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseMove event, this delegate is invoked.


Attaches a delegate to the MouseWheel event for this UI element. When the UI element raises the MouseWheel event, this delegate is invoked.


Positions child elements on the graphical window and determines a size for IXRUIElement.


Enables the UI element to capture the mouse.


Retrieves a value that indicates whether this UI element will use bitmap caching and hardware-accelerated graphics when it is displayed at run time.


Retrieves the geometry that defines the outline of a UI element.


Retrieves the size of this UI element as computed during the measure pass of the layout process.


Retrieves the pixel shader effect to apply to the UI element.


Retrieves whether the contained area of this UI element can return true values for hit testing.


Retrieves the degree of opacity of a UI element.


Retrieves the brush that is used to alter the opacity of regions of this UI element.


Retrieves the three-dimensional (3-D) transformation that is applied when XAML for Windows Embedded displays this UI element.


Retrieves the final size of this UI element after it is displayed in the graphical window.


Retrieves information about the transformation that affects where this UI element is displayed.


Retrieves the origin point of any possible display transformation, in relation to the bounds of this UI element.


Retrieves a value that determines whether rendering for the object and its visual subtree should use rounding behavior that aligns rendering to whole pixels.


Retrieves a value that indicates whether this UI element is visible.


Returns the results of a hit test that specifies an x,y coordinate position on the screen.


Invalidates the arrange state, or layout, for this UI element. After the invalidation, XAML for Windows Embedded asynchronously updates the element's layout.


Invalidates the measurement state, or layout, for this UI element.


Updates the original desired size of this UI element.


Removes mouse capture from this UI element, which typically means that no UI element holds mouse capture.


Removes a delegate from the Gesture event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the GotFocus event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the KeyDown event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the KeyUp event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the LostFocus event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the LostMouseCapture event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseEnter event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseLeave event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseLeftButtonDown event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseLeftButtonUp event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseMove event for this UI element.


Removes a delegate from the MouseWheel event for this UI element.


Sets a value to indicate that this UI element will use bitmap caching and hardware-accelerated graphics when it is displayed at run time.


Sets the geometry used to define the outline of a UI element.


Determines whether the contained area of this UI element can return true values for hit testing.


Determines the degree of opacity of a UI element.


Determines the brush that is used to alter the opacity of regions of this UI element.


Sets the three-dimensional (3-D) transformation to apply when XAML for Windows Embedded displays this UI element.


Sets information about the transformation that affects where this UI element is displayed.


Determines the origin point of any possible display transformation, in relation to the bounds of this UI element.


Determines whether rendering for the object and its visual subtree should use rounding behavior that aligns rendering to whole pixels.


Determines whether this UI element is visible. Elements that are not visible cannot be displayed on the screen.


Transforms the specified source x,y coordinates into the target x,y coordinates by using this element's IXRTransform-derived object and its display-transformation origin point.


Retrieves a transform object that can be used to transform coordinates from the UI element to the specified object.


Assures that the positions of all child elements of this UI element are updated for layout.

Thread Safety

Members of this class are thread safe if you previously called IXRApplication::CreateHostFromXaml and supplied it with an XRWindowCreateParams structure that has AllowsMultipleThreadAccess set to true.


This class provides a starting point for accessing and modifying element-layout characteristics. The derived class IXRFrameworkElement provides additional methods for managing element-layout characteristics.

This class defines much of the input behavior for UI elements, including the events for UI focus events and keyboard, mouse, and stylus input.

The events in XAML for Windows Embedded are routed events. A routed event is an event that is passed upward from a child object to each of its parent objects in the object tree. For routed events, the object that handles the event might not be the same object that initially raised it.

Routed events have a built-in event-handling notification system, so that unhandled input events that are routed from child objects in the visual tree are automatically passed to parent objects. This input behavior is useful for input-area grouping and control compositing.

To find out whether this element currently has UI focus, use the derived IXRControl class.

Z-order determines the visual layering of objects on the screen. You can set the z-order for this UI element to a value from 0 through 1,000,000. To do this, set its Canvas.ZIndex attached property by calling the inherited method IXRDependencyObject::SetAttachedProperty(const WCHAR*, const WCHAR*, int). To retrieve the Canvas.ZIndex attached property value, call IXRDependencyObject::GetAttachedProperty(const WCHAR*, const WCHAR*, int*).

To access an IXRUIElement object, first obtain a pointer to a visual host in the call to IXRApplication::ParseXaml, obtain the root element of the element tree by calling IXRVisualHost::GetRootElement, traverse through its visual-tree structure by calling IXRFrameworkElement::FindName, and then obtain a pointer to a named object in the visual tree.

You can also access an interface pointer to an IXRUIElement object from inside an event handler by calling IUnknown::QueryInterface on the object in pSender. Or, you can use a class derived from IXRUIElement to create a UI element yourself and insert it into a generated visual tree, instead of declaring it in the source XAML for your application.

When you create a class instance, use an IXRUIElementPtr smart pointer instead of a raw interface pointer. For more information, see XRPtr<Interface>.

For more information about how to create UI elements in the source XAML for your application, use the link to the Microsoft Silverlight 3 documentation in the class topic for each derived class.

Hit Testing

IXRUIElement contains various APIs that can affect hit testing. Hit testing is the process by which XAML for Windows Embedded takes the input stimulus (such as mouse clicks) from the application, and then determines which IXRUIElement object in the layout and visual tree to designate as the source of the input event.

IXRUIElement::GetVisibility and IXRUIElement::SetVisibility are methods that access Visibility state, which affects how all input is handled by this element. Elements that are not visible do not participate in hit testing and do not receive user-input events, even if the mouse is inside of where the element would appear if it were visible.

Finally, the GetBackground method, which is contained in various classes derived from IXRUIElement, can also influence hit-test behavior because a null background value makes the element invisible to hit testing.

.NET Framework Equivalent







See Also


Classes for UI Element Management