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SmsSendMessage (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This function creates and sends a Short Message Service (SMS) message.


HRESULT SmsSendMessage (
    const SMS_HANDLE   smshHandle,
    const SMS_ADDRESS* psmsaSMSCAddress,
    const SMS_ADDRESS* psmsaDestinationAddress,
    const SYSTEMTIME*  pstValidityPeriod,
    const BYTE*        pbData,
    const DWORD        dwDataSize,
    const BYTE*        pbProviderSpecificData,
    const DWORD        dwProviderSpecificDataSize,
    const SMS_DATA_ENCODING smsdeDataEncoding,
    const DWORD        dwOptions,
  SMS_MESSAGE_ID*    psmsmidMessageID


  • smshHandle
    An SMS handle obtained from calling SmsOpen.
  • psmsaSMSCAddress
    An optional parameter indicating which Short Message Service Center (SMSC) the message will be routed through. If NULL (recommended), the user's default SMSC will be used.
  • psmsaDestinationAddress
    The destination of the message.
  • pstValidityPeriod
    The duration for which the SMS message is valid, counted from when the SMSC receives the message. This can be NULL. This is not interpreted as a normal SYSTEMTIME structure. See GSM specification 03.40 "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)" for more detail.
  • pbData
    The data portion of the message. This can be NULL.
  • dwDataSize
    Size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by pbData. This can be zero.
  • pbProviderSpecificData
    For certain providers, a provider-specific structure must be provided in addition to the previous data buffer.
  • dwProviderSpecificDataSize
    Size of pbProviderSpecificData.
  • smsdeDataEncoding
    The text encoding of the SMS message, if appropriate. SMSDE_OPTIMAL is the recommended value. See the SMS_DATA_ENCODING enumeration for possible values.
  • dwOptions
    Optional flags.

    Value Description


    No special options


    Unless this option is specified, the router will retry sending the SMS message according to a pre-defined short-term retry schedule. If this option is specified, no retries will be attempted.

  • psmsmidMessageID
    If not NULL, this will point to a message ID on successful return from SmsSendMessage. This identifier can be used with SmsGetMessageStatus to identify the message.

Return Value

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:

  • S_OK
    The method completed successfully.

For information about additional return values, see SMS Specific Errors and SMS General Errors.


Header sms.h
Library sms.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also




Short Message Service Functions