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Connmc (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Connmc implements the Network and Dial-up Connections application. This sample application is used to configure dial up, VPN, LAN, and other network connection types. It implements the LAN adapter configuration property sheets. For adapters that support the 802.11 specific object identifiers (OIDs), a wireless tab appears to configure 802.11 parameters and 802.1x authentication.

Connmc interacts with the automatic configuration subsystem, and uses the WZCSAPI interface to retrieve and set 802.11 parameters, such as the preferred Service Set Identifier (SSID) list.

A wrapper is loaded into the user process to communicate with the WZC driver. The WZCSAPI interface is exposed in the header file wzcsapi.h.

For more information, see Automatic Configuration Subsystem and Windows Embedded CE Wireless Zero Configuration Service.

The following tables show the Connmc functions that are exported by NetUI. A sample of the functions and their return values are contained in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Netsamp\Connmc directory.

The following table shows the functions that are contained in Network.cpp.

Function Description Parameters


Implements the IP Properties dialog box that is displayed in the network connections UI that allows users to configure IP addressing, and DNS/WINS information.

  • hWndOwner is a handle to the owner window.
  • szAdapterName is the name of the adapter.

The following table shows the functions that are contained in Rasconninfo.cpp.

Function Description Parameters


The entrypoint for the configuration UI that is used by default EAP providers.

  • dwEapTypeId specifies the authentication protocol for which to invoke the configuration UI.
  • hInstance is a handle to a dynamic-link library (DLL).
  • hwndParent is a handle to the parent window for the UI dialog.
  • dwFlags specifies whether the computer that is dialing in is a router or a RAS client. If the computer is a router, this parameter should be set to: RAS_EAP_FLAG_ROUTER. Otherwise, this parameter should be zero.
  • pConnectionDataIn is a pointer to the connection data currently stored in the phone-book entry. If the phone-book entry does not contain any data, this parameter is NULL.
  • dwSizeOfConnectionDataIn specifies the size of the connection data currently stored in the phone-book entry. If the phone-book entry for this connection does not contain any data, this parameter will be zero.
  • ppConnectionDataOut is a pointer to a pointer that, on successful return, points to the new connection data to store in the phone-book entry. None of this data should be specific to the current development workstation. Phone-book entries should be portable from workstation to workstation.
  • pdwSizeOfConnectionDataOut is a pointer to a DWORD that receives the size of the new connection data to store in the phone-book entry.
  • fInvokeStandardCredentialsDialog is a pointer to a BOOL variable that specifies whether RAS should display the standard credentials dialog box. The credentials dialog box requests the user's login identifier, domain name, and password. The authentication protocol will set the BOOL variable to TRUE to request that RAS display the credentials dialog box. Otherwise the authentication protocol will set it to FALSE.
  • szIdentity is a pointer to a buffer that contains an identifier for the user. The length of this buffer is UNLEN+DNLEN+2.


The entrypoint to the free memory that is allocated by RasEapInvokeConfigUI.

  • pMemory is a pointer to the memory to free.

For more informaton about Connmc, see Public Common OAK Drivers Directory.

See Also


How to Replace the Network UI for a Target Device
Customizing the Network UI


Functions Exported by the Network UI

Other Resources

Default AutoDial Connectoid Setup