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Pegterm (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Pegterm is a sample terminal emulation tool. It supports Terminal Emulator, a Windows Embedded CEā€“based application for imitating the function of a computer terminal.


The Network UI does not export the Pegterm function directly, but instead calls the TAPI API, which in turn calls this function.

The following table shows the Pegterm function that is exported by the Network UI. The function and its return value are contained in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Netsamp\Pegterm\App directory. This function is contained in Termtapi.c.

Function Description Parameters


Displays an application-modal dialog box that enables the user to change the current location, adjust location and calling card parameters, and see the effect on a phone number about to be dialed.

For more information, see LineTranslateDialog (Network UI).

  • hLineApp is the application handle returned by the lineInitialize function.
  • dwDeviceID is the device identifier for the line device upon which the call is intended to be dialed, so that variations in dialing procedures on different lines can be applied to the translation process.
  • dwAPIVersion is the highest version of TAPI supported by the application.
  • hWndOwner is a handle to a window to which the dialog box is to be attached.
  • IpszAddressIn is a pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the phone number that is used to show the effect of the user's changes on the location parameters. The number must be in canonical format. If it is not, the phone number portion of the dialog box is not displayed. If this pointer is NULL, the phone number portion of the dialog box is not displayed.
    If this parameter contains more than one phone number, only the first one is used in the dialog box.

For more information, see Public Common OAK Drivers Directory.

See Also


How to Replace the Network UI for a Target Device


Functions Exported by the Network UI

Other Resources