Task 4: Manaing and Viewing Results
In this task, you review the results of computer-assisted cleansing and also perform interactive cleansing on the supplier data. See Interactive Cleansing Stage for more details.
Select Contact Email domain from the list of domains.
Switch to the Invalid tab in the right pane. Notice that two email addresses that were missing character 's' at the end. These two emails that were found to be invalid by the domain rule that requires all email addresses to end with @adventure-works.com (with 's'). DQS uses the domain rule while cleansing to determine whether an email is a valid one or not. This tab displays the domain values that were either marked as invalid in the knowledge base or failed a domain rule. In this case, these values failed the domain rule (Email Validation).
In the Correct To column, type the right email address that end with @adventure-works.com (with 's').
Click Approve for both the records to approve both the changes. When you approve, the records move to the Corrected tab. Instead of approving each item separately, you can approve all the changes at once using the Approve all terms toolbar button.
Switch to the New tab in the right pane. The values on this tab are the values for which DQS does not have enough information in the knowledge base yet to determine whether the values are correct. Therefore, it cannot change or suggest changes to the domain values.
Review the values to confirm that all the emails end with @adventure-works.com and click Approve all terms on the toolbar. The approved values from this tab move to the Correct tab.
Select the Country domain from the list of domains.
Switch to the Corrected tab in the right pane and notice that United State value is automatically corrected to the United States with 's' at the end. This rule is not a rule you defined for the Country domain, but DQS is 83% confident that the correct value is United States. The Approve button is automatically selected for all the Corrected items. You can override this behavior and reject a change.
Notice that USA is corrected to United States because they are synonyms and United States is the leading (preferred) value.
Notice that the Approve button is already selected for these corrected values. This behavior is the default for the corrected values. You can reject a change and when you do so, the value moves to the Invalid tab.
Select Supplier Name from the list of domains.
Switch to the Corrected tab in the right pane.
Notice that A. Datum Corp. is corrected to A. Datum Corporation and the Reason is set to Term based relation. A. Datum Corporation is a known domain value to DQS because it was discovered during the knowledge discovery process. Therefore, DQS is 100% confident about this correction.
Notice that Lazy Country Storex is corrected to Lazy Country Store, Confidence Level is set to 100%, and the Reason is set to Domain Value. During the knowledge discovery process, you set Lazy Country Storex as an error with Lazy Country Store as the correction, so DQS is 100% confident about making this correction.
DQS is not familiar with the other values in the list, but it found the corrections for these values using the Spell Checker and proposes the appropriate corrections. DQS is not 100% confident about these corrections, but the confidence level is above 80%, which is the threshold level for making corrections, so DQS proposes the corrections.
Notice that the Approve is automatically enabled for all the values. You can override the corrected value or reject the change as appropriate. By default the Approve button is selected for all the values on the Corrected tab.
Switch to the New tab.
Notice that Corp. is corrected to Corporation, Co. is corrected to Company, and Inc. is corrected to Incorporated. For example, Consolidate Inc. is corrected to Consolidate Incorporated and Consolidated Co. is corrected to Consolidated Company, and Frabrikam Corp. is corrected to Fabrikam Corporation. You can see that term-based relation is mentioned as the reason. These changes are proposed by using the term-based relations you defined during the domain management activity. You can change the Correct To values manually here.
Scroll the list to see Hunxgry Coyote Store with a red squiggly line. Right-click on it and click Hungy Coyote Store (with no 'x'). The Correct To column should be automatically populated with Hungry Coyote Store. You can also manually type a value in the Correct To column.
Click Approve all terms from the toolbar. The domain values with the Correct To value specified move to the Corrected tab and the new values with no associated Correct To values move to the Correct tab.
Select the Address Validation composite domain from the domain list.
In the right pane, switch to the Correct tab. You should see the addresses that are found to be correct by the Melissa Data - Address Check DQS service on the Azure Marketplace.
Switch to the Corrected tab.
Notice that State for the record that has City as Los Angeles is set to CA now. Notice in the Reason field is that Corrected by Rule 'City-State Rule'.
Notice that the Approve radio button is already selected for this item in the list. This is the default behavior for items on the Corrected tab.
Switch to the Suggested tab. Review the changes suggested by the Melissa Data - Address Check service.
Click Approve all terms on the toolbar button and click OK on the Confirmation message box.
Click Next to switch to the Export page.