Task 5: Exporting Cleansing Results to an Excel File
In this task, you export results from the cleansing activity to an Excel file. See Export Stage topic for more details.
In the right pane, select Excel for the Destination Type.
Click Browse, specify the output file name as Cleansed Supplier List.xls, and then click Open.
Select Data Only for the Output format to export just the cleansed data. The second option, Data and Cleansing Info, lets you export cleansing activity details along with the cleansed data. The Standardize Format option lets you apply any output formats you define on a domain to the values of that domain. You have not defined an output format on any domain in the tutorial.
Click Export to export the data. Do not click Finish yet.
Click Close on the Exporting dialog box.
Click Finish to finish the activity. If you forgot to export results before clicking Finish, click Open Data Quality Project in the main page of DQS Client, select Cleanse Supplier List from the list of projects, and click Next at the bottom of the screen to get to the Export stage of cleansing process again. You can also switch to Manage and View Results tab by clicking Back button.
Open the Cleansed Supplier List.xls and do the following:
Ensure that there are no email addresses that end with adventure-work.com (without character 's') by searching for adventure-work.com in the worksheet.
See that there is no USA value in the Country column.
Search for Los Angeles and see that the State is set to CA.
Confirm that there are no terms Co., Corp., and Inc..
Delete the Address Validation column from the spreadsheet and save the excel file. This additional column corresponds to the Address Validation composite domain.
Next Step
Task 6: Importing Values from the Cleanse Supplier List Project