voice element
Controls the vocal characteristics for the contained text when played back by the TTS engine.
gender = "string"
name = "string"
gender |
One of the following values:
femaleIndicates that a female voice should be used.
maleIndicates that a male voice should be used.
name |
A space-separated list of voice names used to speak the contained text. The names should be listed in order of preference.
tomIndicates that "Tom's" voice should be used.
ziraIndicates that "Zira's" voice should be used.
audio, emphasis, enumerate, foreach, p element, prompt, prosody, s element, voice
audio, break, emphasis, enumerate, mark, p element, phoneme, prosody, s element, say-as, sub, value, voice
The following example exercises the name and gender attributes of the voice element.
<vxml version="2.0"
<voice name="tom"> This is Tom. </voice>
<break time="200ms"/>
<voice name="zira"> This is Zira. </voice>
<break time="200ms"/>
<voice gender="male"> This is a generic male voice. </voice>
<break time="200ms"/>
<voice gender="female"> This is a generic female voice. </voice>
<break time="200ms"/>
See also
TTS Engine Behavior