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Templates Tab (Workflow Manager for SQL Server)

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

This tab displays a list of the application templates available on the selected server. You can import and export application templates and modify the Name property of a selected template.

Note   Only members of the modAppOwners or the server administrators group can modify template information for the server.

  • Template list
    Displays a list of the application templates available on the selected server. The Name of the template must be unique. The Title is to help users identify the template and can be more descriptive than the Name. The Version number simplifies progressive tracking of application updates that are saved with the same title.
  • Export to File
    Displays the Export Template dialog box. You can browse to a location and save a copy of the selected template as a .tpl file, which can be imported to the template directory on another server.
  • Import from File
    Displays the Import Template dialog box. Use the Import Template dialog box to browse to the location of a .tpl file, and then click Open to add the template to the selected server.
  • Properties
    Displays the Template Properties dialog box where you can see the properties of the selected template. Only the Name can be edited.
  • Delete
    Deletes the selected template from the server. This does not affect the created instance of workflow or the workflow-enabled database.

See Also

Managing Workflow Applications | Creating New Applications from Templates | Managing Templates | Template Properties Dialog Box | Workflow Applications Tab | User Information Tab | SQL Server Template Instantiation Wizard | SQL Server Template Creation Wizard