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Workflow Designer Window

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The Workflow Designer window is the interface for designing workflow processes for Exchange folders and SQL tables. This window consists of the following parts:

  • **Solution Explorer   **Displays a tree of the workflow processes in your folder. You can select any workflow process in the list to display the property pages for that process.
  • **Properties window   **Displays properties related to the selected item in the Solution Explorer and the Workflow Designer Design Surface. The properties change with the selected item. For example, to display properties of the workflow process, select a workflow process in the Solution Explorer.
  • **Toolbox   **Displays a variety of items for use in the Microsoft® Office XP Developer projects.
  • Design Surface   The work area where the layout and design of the workflow process is done.

You can access Workflow Designer commands from several locations, including the toolbar and the menus, or by right-clicking the nodes in the Process List and the design surfaces.

See Also

Developing Office Developer Applications | Creating Projects | Developing Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Developing Workflow Applications for SQL Server