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Developing Workflow Applications for SQL Server

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Generally, the term "workflow" is used to describe applications that are modeled as business processes. Typical workflow applications include forms routing/approval, document review/publishing, and issue tracking. While you can implement such applications in nearly any programming language or development environment, you can simplify the task with the use of a workflow engine and specialized workflow modeling tools.

Modeling tools make it possible for the overall design, or "flow," of a business process to be specified in a simple, high-level representation. You can modify or extend the process definition easily without rewriting all of the low-level application code.

With the Workflow Designer for SQL Server development tools, you can create an application that enforces business rules and includes integrated row-level security features. You also have the power of Microsoft® Access available to help design and manage the Microsoft® SQL Server™ database schema and to create data access pages for the Web site user interface.

To develop a workflow application

  1. Plan your application before starting. Numerous considerations make application development much easier if they are addressed from the start — for example, security and schema. For more information, see Planning Workflow Applications for SQL Server.
  2. Create a SQL Server database, and then open it in the Workflow Designer to register it as an application.
  3. Design the workflow process for your application. For more information, see Building Workflow Applications for SQL Server.
  4. Add script to your application, if desired, to provide customized functionality. For more information, see Scripting Workflow Events for SQL Server.
  5. Define database roles using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, and restrict particular activities to certain roles as required. For more information, see Setting up Accounts, Logins, Roles, and Users.
  6. Create the Web site user interface with a separate program that has read/write capabilities with SQL Server. Access data access pages are some of the fastest and most powerful tools you can use. For more information, see Developing the User Interface for SQL Server.
  7. Save your application as a template to make it available for distribution. For more information, see Creating Templates.
  8. Manage and maintain your workflow applications, templates, and database users with the Workflow Manager for SQL Server. For more information, see Managing Workflow Applications for SQL Server.

See Also

Workflow Applications Architecture for SQL Server | Troubleshooting Workflow Applications for SQL Server | Developing Applications with Microsoft Office Developer | Creating Projects | Developing Office Applications Using VBA | Developing Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Developing a Digital Dashboard Using Web Parts