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Project Properties (Digital Dashboard)

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Each Digital Dashboard has properties that are exposed in the Properties Grid. In the Properties Grid, the list boxes are displayed in the grid, and any strings that represent locations (URLs) will have a browse […] button that will launch the standard Browse dialog box. In addition, there is a builder […] button for any property that requires a large edit box. The properties are displayed in alphabetical order in the property grid.

Note   Sub Dashboard share the same properties as the dashboard & can be opened as a dashboard.

  • AutoUpdate
    Specifies whether the Web Parts are updated based on values of a master Web Part. The default value is Always. The other valid value is Never. More can be added if the dashboard supports additional values.

  • Caption
    Specifies label text that appears above the name of each individual dashboard.

  • DashboardImageLarge
    Specifies the URL for a large picture to represent the dashboard folder graphically. The default is empty. No design-time checking will be done to verify that the location exists.

  • DashboardImageSmall
    Specifies a URL for a small picture to represent the dashboard folder graphically. The default is empty. No design-time checking will be done to verify that the location exists.

  • DashboardOrder
    Specifies the placement of the dashboard in the navigation user interface. The default is 0.

  • DashboardStorage
    Specifies a URL pointing to data that can be used by the Web Parts on the dashboard.

  • DashboardURL
    Specifies the Uniform Resource Locator for the dashboard.

  • Description
    Specifies text that describes the dashboard folder. The default is empty.

  • DisplayTitle
    Specifies whether title of the dashboard appears in the dashboard view. The default is True.

  • HelpLink
    Specifies the URL to another page that supplies Help about using the dashboard. The default is empty. No design-time checking will be done to verify that the location exists.

  • LastModified
    Specifies the date and time the folder was last modified. This is read-only.

  • MergeSubDashboards
    Specifies if sub-dashboards are merged into the Dashboard view, making it possible for navigation between them.

  • Name
    Specifies the name of the project and the file you created on the Microsoft® Exchange Server for the project. When the name is changed in this dialog box, the change will automatically be saved to the server and the old name overwritten.

    The name of the project must not be empty, and it cannot contain any of the following characters: `   ~   !   @   #   $   %   ^   &   *   _   +   -   =   {   }   |   [   ]   \   :   "   ;   '   <   >   ?   ,   / . Everything else is a valid name.

    Note   If you have opened the SharePoint Portal Server Portal in the Microsoft Office XP development environment, you will not be able to rename the Portal node or any of the default sub dashboards that are added as part of the SharePoint Portal Server workspace. This is because SharePoint Portal Server requires the names of these items to remain as is for it to function properly.

  • RefreshInterval
    Specifies how often, in milliseconds, the dashboard is refreshed. The default is 0. If you enter a value that is less than 0, then you will receive an error message.

  • StyleSheet
    Specifies the embedded style block that defines the dashboard view. The default is empty.

  • StyleSheetLink
    Specifies the URL for the style sheet used to define the dashboard view. The default is empty. No design-time checking will be done to verify that the location exists.

  • Title
    Specifies the default is the name of the project and indicates the title of the dashboard folder. If Name changes, Title will not change automatically; you must do this manually.

See Also

Digital Dashboard User Interface Reference | Web Parts Properties | XSL/Stylesheet Property Dialog Box