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Add Transition Dialog Box

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This page is accessed from the Transition tab of the State Property Page by clicking the Add Transition button.

Select the type of transition you want to add to the workflow process. The transition will extend from the currently selected state shape to the next state that you choose. The Next State box displays a filtered list of all the valid states that can be transitioned to. In SQL Server workflow processes, if all of the permissible states have been transitioned to for a given transition type, that Type option will be disabled.

Clicking Cancel will cancel the operation and return you to the Properties dialog box. Clicking OK will create the transition and return you to the Properties dialog box. When the transition has been created, clicking Cancel while in the Properties dialog will not undo the transition add.

In Exchange workflow processes, you can have multiple Delete transitions exiting a state. The delete option will display a filtered list of end shapes so you can explicitly pick one.

See Also

Developing Office Developer Applications | Creating Projects | Developing Workflow Applications for Exchange Server | Developing Workflow Applications for SQL Server