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Understanding Subscriptions

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

You use subscriptions to specify the time and type of notification to send when changes occur to the discussions in a document or to any document within a specified folder. For example, the following code creates a subscription to a Web page. The subscription specifies that an e-mail message should be immediately sent to when a discussion item is inserted or deleted on the specified Web page:

strURL = ""
strMailTo = ""
AddSubscription FileURL:=strURL, _
   NotifyWhen:=oseNotifyWhenDiscussionAnything, _
   MailTo:=strMailTo, MailFrequency:=oseMailImmediately

In this instance, an e-mail message is generated whenever a discussion item is added to or deleted from the Topten.htm page. This Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) code has the same effect as opening the Document Subscription dialog box and entering the values shown in the following figure.

The Document Subscription Dialog Box


Although you can add a subscription programmatically, there is no way to work with existing subscriptions by using VBA code.

See Also

Using Web Technologies with Office XP | Working with Office Web Discussions Client | The Office Web Discussions Client Object Model | Enabling Discussions | Understanding the Global Object | Understanding Discussion Servers | Understanding Discussions