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Understanding the Global Object

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The Global object is the top-level object in the Office Web Discussions Client object model, and, therefore, it is not necessary to reference the Global object explicitly when you are using its methods or properties. The Global object exposes three properties, two methods and two events. The DiscussionServers property returns the DiscussionServers collection, and the CurrentUserName property contains the user name of the person currently logged on to the machine.

The OpenDiscussions method returns the Discussions collection for the document specified by its URL argument, and the AddOfficeServerSubscription method is used to add a subscription to a document. The AddOfficeServerSubscription method uses several arguments that map directly to the settings in the Document Subscription dialog box that appears when you click the Subscribe button on the Discussions toolbar.

See Also

Using Web Technologies with Office XP | Working with Office Web Discussions Client | Enabling Discussions | Understanding Discussion Servers | Understanding Discussions | Understanding Subscriptions