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Form.DatasheetFontHeight Property (Access)

You can use the DatasheetFontHeight property to specify the font point size used to display and print field names and data in Datasheet view. Read/write Integer.


expression .DatasheetFontHeight

expression A variable that represents a Form object.


This property is only available within a Microsoft Access database.

For the DatasheetFontHeight property, the font size you specify must be valid for the font specified by the DatasheetFontName property. For example, MS Sans Serif is available only in sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 points.

The following table contains the properties that don't exist in the DAO Properties collection of until you set them by using the Formatting (Datasheet) toolbar or you can add them in an Access database (.mdb) by using the CreateProperty method and append it to the DAO Properties collection.

DatasheetFontItalic *

DatasheetForeColor *

DatasheetFontHeight *


DatasheetFontName *


DatasheetFontUnderline *


DatasheetFontWeight *



When you add or set any property listed with an asterisk, Microsoft Access automatically adds all the properties listed with an asterisk to the Properties collection of the database.


The following example sets the font to MS Serif, the font size to 10 points, and the font weight to medium (500) in Datasheet view of the Products table.

Sub SetDatasheetFont 
 Dim dbs As Object, objProducts As Object 
 Set dbs = CurrentDb 
 Const DB_Text As Long = 10 
 Const DB_Integer As Long = 3 
 Set objProducts = dbs!Products 
 SetTableProperty objProducts, "DatasheetFontName", DB_Text, "MS Serif" 
 SetTableProperty objProducts, "DatasheetFontHeight", DB_Integer, 10 
 SetTableProperty objProducts, "DatasheetFontWeight", DB_Integer, 500 
End Sub 
Sub SetTableProperty(objTableObj As Object, strPropertyName As String, _ 
 intPropertyType As Integer, varPropertyValue As Variant) 
 ' Set Microsoft Access-defined table property without causing 
 ' nonrecoverable run-time error. 
 Const conErrPropertyNotFound = 3270 
 Dim prpProperty As Variant 
 On Error Resume Next ' Don't trap errors. 
 objTableObj.Properties(strPropertyName) = varPropertyValue 
 If Err <> 0 Then ' Error occurred when value set. 
 If Err <> conErrPropertyNotFound Then 
 On Error GoTo 0 
 MsgBox "Couldn't set property '" & strPropertyName _ 
 & "' on table '" & objTableObj.Name & "'", 48, "SetTableProperty" 
 On Error GoTo 0 
 Set prpProperty = objTableObj.CreateProperty(strPropertyName, _ 
 intPropertyType, varPropertyValue) 
 objTableObj.Properties.Append prpProperty 
 End If 
 End If 
End Sub

The next example makes the same changes as the preceding example in Datasheet view of the open Products form.

Forms!Products.DatasheetFontName = "MS Serif" 
Forms!Products.DatasheetFontHeight = 10 
Forms!Products.DatasheetFontWeight = 500

See Also


Form Object Members

Form Object