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Error Messages [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

Following is a list of common error messages for smart documents and descriptions of what might cause each error. You can use this list along with the troubleshooting checklist and the Troubleshooting Common Problems topic to troubleshoot problems with your smart documents.

The XML expansion pack or the Smart Document program is missing or invalid. Contact your system administrator or the person who provided this document.

This error message is displayed when some part of the smart document code is incorrect or missing. One or more of the following items may cause this error:

  • The SmartDocXMLTypeCount property returned 0 (zero).
  • The smart document dynamic-link library (DLL) was moved or deleted from its installation directory.
  • If you include the runFromServer element for the smart document DLL, users may not be able to use the smart document if they cannot access the server.
  • The smart document's managed assemblies or interop assemblies have inadequate permissions.

The XML expansion pack is invalid or cannot be loaded. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

This error message is displayed when the XML expansion pack manifest file is invalid or there is a problem with accessing the file. One or more of the following items may cause this error:

  • Make sure the solutionID element does not have a value of "None"; "None" is a reserved word.
  • Required or optional XML elements cannot contain carriage returns or line feeds. If they do, the XML expansion pack is marked as invalid.
  • There may be a problem with the XML expansion pack manifest file. To test the manifest file, try to open it in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    • If the manifest file is not found, either the path is wrong or there are permission problems.
    • If the manifest file is found but it is invalid, this means it does not adhere to the XML Expansion Pack Manifest Schema. You can validate a manifest file by using an XML validation tool.
    • If the manifest file is valid, there might be problems with the files that the XML expansion pack references.
  • The XML expansion pack version tag must have a value greater than 0.0.
  • The namespace for the XML expansion pack may be incorrect. The correct XML expansion pack namespace is If you participated in any of the Microsoft Office 2003 beta programs, note that this namespace has changed from the namespace used in the beta versions.
  • XML expansion pack element names are case-sensitive. To verify that you are using the correct casing, refer to the XML Expansion Pack Manifest Schema reference.
  • The uri element in the XML expansion pack manifest file does not match the namespace of the schema and the namespace of the smart document elements.

Some of the files used by the XML expansion pack are in use and could not be updated. Restart the application to complete the installation. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when one or more of the files included with a smart document are in use when the update process attempts to update the files. For example, if a host application attempts to update smart document components when the smart document is open, the smart document's dynamic-link library (DLL) file is in use. Therefore, the host application cannot update the DLL until after the user restarts the host application.

During testing, this behavior can occur if the host application is still running an instance of the application in the computer's memory. Many times this problem occurs because objects have not been properly destroyed in code. If you receive this message and have already restarted the host application, close the application and check the Microsoft Windows® Task Manager to see whether an instance of the host application is running in memory. If it is, end the process, and then try to update or attach the XML expansion pack again.

A file that's part of this solution could not be downloaded. The solution may not work properly. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when a file fails to download because it does not exist, cannot be reached on the network, or does not have the correct permissions set.

The smart document samples included in this SDK assume the default installation path of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2003 Developer Resources\Microsoft Office 2003 Smart Document SDK\. If you installed the SDK to a different location, you will receive this error message when you open any of these samples. To correct the problem, reinstall the SDK to the path above, or open the sample files and manually attach the XML expansion pack.

The file could not be installed because it lacks a security certificate. The solution may not work as expected. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when a file cannot be used because it does not have a trusted certificate. The XML expansion pack needs to be digitally signed. This error may also occur if the file has been tampered with or edited after the digital signature was applied.

The file could not be installed because of missing internal setup logic. The solution may not work as expected. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when a regsvr32 command fails.

The file could not be downloaded because it is not on a trusted site. The solution may not work as expected. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when a file cannot be used because it is not on a trusted site.

The XML expansion pack references a schema which is not installed. Therefore, it cannot be installed. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when you try to install an XML expansion pack that references a schema that you do not have installed. Verify that the uri element in the XML expansion pack manifest file matches the namespace of the schema.

Some of the files used by the solution are in use and cannot be updated. The solution may not work properly until you restart the application to complete the installation. Contact your administrator for further information.

This error message is displayed when some of the files that the solution tried to install were locked out because they were in use.

A file that's part of this XML expansion pack could not be downloaded.

This error message is displayed when one or more of the components included with a smart document are not in the locations specified in the XML expansion pack manifest file. To troubleshoot, open the XML expansion pack manifest file, and verify that the path and file names to the included components are correct and that the files exist in the specified folders.

If this fails to correct the problem, try removing and reattaching the XML expansion pack for the smart document. Or you may try to delete the XML expansion pack and then re-add it to your document. For information about how to do this in either Microsoft Office Word 2003 or Microsoft Office Excel 2003, see Help for the specific application.