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Troubleshooting Common Problems [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

A solution doesn't appear after adding it through the XML Expansion Packs dialog box.

The solution may have been specified to work only with certain languages. A locale identifier (LCID) value of "*" in the XML expansion pack will make the solution apply to all languages. To make the solution apply only to a certain language, enter the appropriate LCID value into the lcid element in the XML expansion pack. For example, an English-only solution would have an LCID value of 1033. For more information, see the lcid Element topic in the Microsoft Office Smart Tag List Schema reference.

My solution doesn't update.

  • Make sure the updateFrequency element is not set to "0", which indicates that only manual updating will take place. The default setting for the updateFrequency element is 20160, or two weeks in minutes.
  • Make sure the version of the XML expansion pack has been updated. The version element of the XML expansion pack is used to keep track of the installed version of the solution. When updating the solution, you must increment the version element of the XML expansion pack in order to trigger an update.
  • When you have made changes to a solution, make sure you click Attach in the XML Expansion Pack dialog box.

Make sure the ISmartDocument and ISmartTagAction or ISmartTagAction2 interfaces are not located in the same class module. This scenario is unsupported.

My document actions aren't working properly.

  • Make sure that XML element names used as constants in a solution DLL are spelled exactly as they are spelled in the schema, including case.
  • The XML namespace for the schema should be the same as the namespace specified in the namespace constant of the solution DLL.
  • When you are specifying ControlID property values, make sure you reference the correct ControlID property value for each control. For example, if you specified that the controls for an element use the value of "ControlID + 200" and there are five controls for that element, you would access the fourth control in the element by using a ControlID property value of 204.
  • Verify that the solution is attached to the document.
  • If you have multiple XML or DLL files providing default actions, those actions will appear interspersed with each other in the Document Actions task pane. For this reason, we recommend that all default actions be provided by only one XML or DLL file.

How do I find the class identifier (CLSID) of the solution DLL?

In the Microsoft Windows Registry Editor, you can find the CLSID for your project by searching on projectname.default module. For detailed instructions, see Locating the CLSID. (Note that these instructions were written for the SimpleSample tutorial included in this SDK.)

How do I find the globally unique identifier (GUID) for an ActiveX control?

In the Registry Editor, search for the name of the ActiveX control. For detailed instructions see Locating a GUID. (Note that these instructions were written for the SimpleSample tutorial included in this SDK.)

Nothing appears to happen with my smart document.

The XML expansion pack manifest file may have been moved since it was initially attached to the document. Try removing and reattaching the XML expansion pack for the smart document as follows:

  1. In Microsoft Office Word 2003, click Templates and Add-ins on the Tools menu, and then click the XML Expansion Packs tab. In Microsoft Office Excel 2003, point to XML on the Data menu, and then click XML Expansion Packs.
  2. Remove the existing manifest, add the manifest back, and then attach it again.
  3. Save the smart document and try reopening it.

I've added a Component Object Model (COM) component to my managed smart document, but the component doesn't work.

When you use COM components (for example, the Microsoft Internet Controls component to display a Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer), Microsoft Visual Studio .NET creates an interop file for the component. In order for your smart document to be able to use this component in both testing and deployment, you must do the following:

  • Add the interop assembly to the files that you deploy.

  • Add the interop assembly information to the XML expansion pack manifest file. The following text shows the elements to use here:


    Replace INTEROP FILE NAME AND PATH GOES HERE in the preceding text with the correct path where you are deploying the smart document and the interop assembly file name; for example, C:\Folder\Interop.SHDocVw.dll.

My smart document doesn't seem to load when I deploy it from a server.

Installations will sometimes fail when users are trying to install a smart document from an XML expansion pack manifest file that is on a server. This failure may occur due to slow server response or high server load. To avoid this problem, make sure you increase the number of connections allowed to the server and take appropriate load balancing measures. If your users are installing the smart document from an internal corporate network, you may also need to check the network speed; if your users are installing from an Internet Web server, you may also need to check the bandwidth of the connection they are using.

Document fragments don't display properly in my document.

  • Your document fragment files may not be formatted correctly. For information about working with document fragments, see Using Document Fragments.
  • If you have an external document fragment file open at the same time as you are attempting to view the document fragment in the Document Actions task pane, the document fragment will not display properly in the task pane. You must first make the necessary changes to the document fragment file and then close it before the document fragment will display properly in the task pane.