The DownloadSoundData method downloads instruments or wave data used by the segment. Sound data must be downloaded before the segment can be played.
object.DownloadSoundData [oAudiopath]
Required. Object expression that resolves to a Segment Object.
Optional. Object expression that resolves to an Audiopath Object representing the destination for the segment's sound data. If this parameter is omitted, the default audiopath for the segment is used.
Sound data must be downloaded to the audiopath on which the segment is going to be played. Otherwise, performance channels remapped by the audiopath will not match up when the segment is played, causing parts not to be heard or to play with the wrong instruments.
Sound data is automatically loaded and unloaded if Load all content when script is loaded is set in the Script Properties.
Scripts should call Segment.UnloadSoundData for each call to DownloadSoundData.