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Script Properties

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The Properties Window shown in the following figure contains settings for a script component in the project tree.

Script Properties window

The window contains the following tabs:

  • Script Tab

    The Script tab contains the settings shown in the following table.

    Setting Description
    Name Name of the script as it appears in the project tree.
    Language Language in which the script is written. Select a language from the drop-down list. For more information, see AudioVBScript Language.
    Load all content when script is loaded If selected, all files referenced by the script are loaded when the script is loaded. See Embedding and Referencing Files in a Script.
    Download all segments when script is loaded If selected, DLS and wave data for all segments is downloaded to the synthesizer when the script is loaded, making it unnecessary for the application to explicitly download the data.
  • Info Tab

    The Info tab contains generic descriptive information about the component.