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Contact Properties

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Contact Properties

Windows Portable Devices supports the following contact properties.

Property VarType Description
WPD_CONTACT_ANNIVERSARY_DATE VT_DATE The anniversary date for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BIRTHDATE VT_DATE The contact's birth date.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_EMAIL VT_LPWSTR A business e-mail address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_EMAIL2 VT_LPWSTR An additional business e-mail address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_FAX VT_LPWSTR A business fax number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_FULL_POSTAL_ADDRESS VT_LPWSTR The full business postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_PHONE VT_LPWSTR A business phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_PHONE2 VT_LPWSTR An additional business phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_CITY VT_LPWSTR The city of the contact's business postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_COUNTRY VT_LPWSTR The country/region of the contact's business postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE1 VT_LPWSTR The first line of the business postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE2 VT_LPWSTR The second line of the business postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE VT_LPWSTR The postal code of the contact's business postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_BUSINESS_POSTAL_ADDRESS_REGION VT_LPWSTR The country/region of the contact's business postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_CHILDREN VT_UNKNOWN An IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection of type VT_LPWSTR, where each element is the full name of a child of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_COMPANY_NAME VT_LPWSTR A company name for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME VT_LPWSTR The display name of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_FIRST_NAME VT_LPWSTR The first name of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_INSTANT_MESSENGER VT_LPWSTR An instant messaging address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_INSTANT_MESSENGER2 VT_LPWSTR An alternate instant messaging address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_INSTANT_MESSENGER3 VT_LPWSTR An alternate instant messaging address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_LAST_NAME VT_LPWSTR The last name of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_MIDDLE_NAMES VT_LPWSTR The middle name of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_MOBILE_PHONE VT_LPWSTR A mobile phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_MOBILE_PHONE2 VT_LPWSTR An additional mobile phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_EMAILS VT_UNKNOWN VT_LPWSTR An IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection of type VT_LPWSTR, which holds alternate e-mail addresses for the contact.

The entry should be formatted as follows, where "e-mail description" is an optional description that may appear before the actual address:

"e-mail description <>"

WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_FULL_POSTAL_ADDRESS VT_LPWSTR The full additional postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_PHONES VT_UNKNOWN VT_LPWSTR An IPortableDevicePropVariantCollection of type VT_LPWSTR, where each element is an alternate phone number for the contact. An alternate phone number for the contact.

The entry should be formatted as follows, where "phone description" is an optional description that may appear before the actual phone number:

"phone description <1-425-555-0123>"

WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_CITY VT_LPWSTR The city of the contact's additional postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE1 VT_LPWSTR The first line of an additional postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE2 VT_LPWSTR The second line of an additional postal address of the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE VT_LPWSTR The postal code of the contact's additional postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_POSTAL_COUNTRY VT_LPWSTR The country/region of the contact's additional postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_OTHER_POSTAL_ADDRESS_REGION VT_LPWSTR The region of the contact's additional postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_PAGER VT_LPWSTR A pager number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_EMAIL VT_LPWSTR A personal e-mail address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_EMAIL2 VT_LPWSTR An additional personal e-mail address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_FAX VT_LPWSTR A personal fax number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_FULL_POSTAL_ADDRESS VT_LPWSTR The full personal postal address of the contact. For example:

1234 Rocky Road
Apartment 13
Seattle, WA 49334

WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_PHONE VT_LPWSTR A personal phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_PHONE2 VT_LPWSTR An additional personal phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_CITY VT_LPWSTR The city of the contact's personal postal address. For example:


WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_COUNTRY VT_LPWSTR The country/region of the contact's personal postal address.
WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE1 VT_LPWSTR The first line of the personal postal address of the contact. For example:

1234 Rocky Road

WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_LINE2 VT_LPWSTR The second line of a personal postal address of the contact. For example:

Apartment 13

WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE VT_LPWSTR The postal code of the contact's personal postal address. For example:


WPD_CONTACT_PERSONAL_POSTAL_ADDRESS_REGION VT_LPWSTR The region of the contact's personal postal address. For example:

British Columbia

WPD_CONTACT_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME VT_LPWSTR A phonetic spelling of the contact's company name.
WPD_CONTACT_PHONETIC_FIRST_NAME VT_LPWSTR A phonetic spelling of the contact's first name.
WPD_CONTACT_PHONETIC_LAST_NAME VT_LPWSTR A phonetic spelling of the contact's last name.
WPD_CONTACT_PREFIX VT_LPWSTR The contact's title. For example, "Mr. Ambassador" or "Mr."
WPD_CONTACT_PRIMARY_EMAIL_ADDRESS VT_LPWSTR The primary e-mail address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PRIMARY_FAX VT_LPWSTR The primary fax number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PRIMARY_PHONE VT_LPWSTR A primary phone number for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_PRIMARY_WEB_ADDRESS VT_LPWSTR A primary Web address for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_ROLE VT_LPWSTR The contact's job title (for example, Vice President).
WPD_CONTACT_SPOUSE VT_LPWSTR A value that specifies the full name of the spouse for the contact.
WPD_CONTACT_SUFFIX VT_LPWSTR A suffix for the contact name. For example, "Jr."


Header: Defined in PortableDevice.h

See Also

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