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Common Information Properties

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Common Information Properties

Windows Portable Devices supports the following common information properties.

Property VarType Description
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_NOTES VT_LPWSTR A value that specifies the date/time that an appointment, task, or similar object is scheduled to end.
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_SUBJECT VT_LPWSTR A value that specifies the subject field of this object.
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_BODY_TEXT VT_LPWSTR This property contains the body text of an object, in plaintext or HTML format.
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_PRIORITY VT_UI4 A value that specifies the priority of this object. 0 indicates the highest priority.
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_START_DATETIME VT_DATE For appointments, tasks, and similar objects, this specifies the date/time that this item is scheduled to start.
WPD_COMMON_INFORMATION_END_DATETIME VT_DATE For appointments, tasks, and similar objects, this specifies the date/time that this item is scheduled to end.


Header: Defined in PortableDevice.h

See Also

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