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CMFCFontComboBox Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCFontComboBox Class.

The CMFCFontComboBox class creates a combo box control that contains a list of fonts.


class CMFCFontComboBox : public CComboBox  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCFontComboBox::CMFCFontComboBox Constructs a CMFCFontComboBox object.
CMFCFontComboBox::~CMFCFontComboBox Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCFontComboBox::CompareItem Called by the framework to determine the relative position of a new item in the sorted list box of the current font combo box control. (Overrides CComboBox::CompareItem.)
CMFCFontComboBox::DrawItem Called by the framework to draw a specified item in the current font combo box control. (Overrides CComboBox::DrawItem.)
CMFCFontComboBox::GetSelFont Retrieves information about the currently selected font.
CMFCFontComboBox::MeasureItem Called by the framework to inform Windows of the dimensions of the list box in the current font combo box control. (Overrides CComboBox::MeasureItem.)
CMFCFontComboBox::PreTranslateMessage Translates window messages before they are dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions. (Overrides CWnd::PreTranslateMessage.)
CMFCFontComboBox::SelectFont Selects the font that matches the specified criteria from the font combo box.
CMFCFontComboBox::Setup Initializes the list of items in the font combo box.

Data Members

Name Description
CMFCFontComboBox::m_bDrawUsingFont Indicates to the framework which font to use to draw the item labels in the current font combo box.


To use a CMFCFontComboBox object in a dialog box, add a CMFCFontComboBox variable to the dialog box class. Then in the OnInitDialog method of the dialog box class, call the CMFCFontComboBox::Setup method to initialize the list of items in the combo box control.

Inheritance Hierarchy







Header: afxfontcombobox.h


Constructs a CMFCFontComboBox object.


Return Value



Retrieves information about the currently selected font.

CMFCFontInfo* GetSelFont() const;  

Return Value

A pointer to CMFCFontInfo Class object that describes a font. It can be NULL if no font is selected in the combo box.



Indicates to the framework which font to use to draw the item labels in the current font combo box.

static BOOL m_bDrawUsingFont;  


Set this member to TRUE to direct the framework to use the same font to draw each item label. Set this member to FALSE to direct the framework to draw each item label with the font whose name is the same as the label. The default value of this member is FALSE.


Selects the font that matches the specified criteria from the font combo box.

BOOL SelectFont(CMFCFontInfo* pDesc);

BOOL SelectFont(
    LPCTSTR lpszName,  


[in] pDesc
Points to a font description object.

[in] lpszName
Specifies a font name.

[in] nCharSet
Specifies a character set. The default value is DEFAULT_CHARSET. For more information, see the lfCharSet member of the LOGFONT structure.

Return Value

TRUE if an item in the font combo box matches the specified font description object or font name and charset; otherwise, FALSE.


Use this method to select and scroll to the item in the font combo box that corresponds to the specified font.


The following example demonstrates how to use the SelectFont method in the CMFCFontComboBox class. This example is part of the New Controls sample.

  CMFCFontComboBox m_wndFont;


Initializes the list of items in the font combo box.

BOOL Setup(
    BYTE nPitchAndFamily=DEFAULT_PITCH);


[in] nFontType
Specifies the font type. The default value is the bitwise combination (OR) of DEVICE_FONTTYPE, RASTER_FONTTYPE, and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE.

[in] nCharSet
Specifies the font character set. The default value is DEFAULT_CHARSET.

[in] nPitchAndFamily
Specifies the font pitch and family. The default value is DEFAULT_PITCH.

Return Value

TRUE if the font combo box was initialized successfully; otherwise, FALSE.


This method initializes the font combo box by enumerating the currently installed fonts that match the specified parameters and inserting those font names in the font combo box.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Setup method in the CMFCFontComboBox class. This example is part of the New Controls sample.

   CMFCFontComboBox m_wndFont;
   // specify the font type
    // BOOL m_bTrueType: true font type
    // BOOL m_bRaster: raster font type
    // BOOL m_bDeviceFont: device font type
    int nFontType = 0;

    if (m_bTrueType)
        nFontType |= TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE;

    if (m_bRaster)
        nFontType |= RASTER_FONTTYPE;

    if (m_bDeviceFont)
        nFontType |= DEVICE_FONTTYPE;

    CWaitCursor wait;

See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CMFCToolBarFontComboBox Class
CMFCFontInfo Class