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CMFCColorMenuButton Class


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The CMFCColorMenuButton class supports a menu command or a toolbar button that starts a color picker dialog box.


class CMFCColorMenuButton : public CMFCToolBarMenuButton  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCColorMenuButton::CMFCColorMenuButton Constructs a CMFCColorMenuButton object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableAutomaticButton Enables and disables an "automatic" button that is positioned above the regular color buttons. (The standard system automatic button is labeled Automatic.)
CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableDocumentColors Enables the display of document-specific colors instead of system colors.
CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableOtherButton Enables and disables an "other" button that is positioned below the regular color buttons. (The standard system "other" button is labeled More Colors….)
CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableTearOff Enables the ability to tear off a color pane.
CMFCColorMenuButton::GetAutomaticColor Retrieves the current automatic color.
CMFCColorMenuButton::GetColor Retrieves the current button's color.
CMFCColorMenuButton::GetColorByCmdID Retrieves the color that corresponds to a specified command ID.
CMFCColorMenuButton::OnChangeParentWnd Called by the framework when the parent window changes.
CMFCColorMenuButton::OpenColorDialog Opens a color selection dialog box.
CMFCColorMenuButton::SetColor Sets the color of the current color button.
CMFCColorMenuButton::SetColorByCmdID Sets the color of the specified color menu button.
CMFCColorMenuButton::SetColorName Sets a new name for the specified color.
CMFCColorMenuButton::SetColumnsNumber Sets the number of columns that are displayed by a CMFCColorBar object.

Protected Methods

Name Description
CMFCColorMenuButton::CopyFrom Copies another toolbar button to the current button.
CMFCColorMenuButton::CreatePopupMenu Creates a color picker dialog box.
CMFCColorMenuButton::IsEmptyMenuAllowed Indicates whether empty menus are supported.
CMFCColorMenuButton::OnDraw Called by the framework to display an image on a button.
CMFCColorMenuButton::OnDrawOnCustomizeList Called by the framework before a CMFCColorMenuButton object is displayed in the list of a toolbar customization dialog box.


To replace the original menu command or toolbar button with a CMFCColorMenuButton object, create the CMFCColorMenuButton object, set any appropriate CMFCColorBar Class styles, and then call the ReplaceButton method of the CMFCToolBar Class class. If you customize a toolbar, call the CMFCToolBarsCustomizeDialog::ReplaceButton method.

The color picker dialog box is created during the processing of the CMFCColorMenuButton::CreatePopupMenu event handler. The event handler notifies the parent frame with a WM_COMMAND message. The CMFCColorMenuButton object sends the control ID that is assigned to the original menu command or toolbar button.


The following example demonstrates how to create and configure a color menu button by using various methods in the CMFCColorMenuButton class. In the example, a CPalette object is first created and then used to construct an object of the CMFCColorMenuButton class. The CMFCColorMenuButton object is then configured by enabling its automatic and other buttons, and setting its color and the number of columns. This code is part of the Word Pad sample.

    CPalette    m_palColorPicker;   // Palette for color picker
    int         m_nNumColours;
CMFCColorMenuButton* CFormatBar::CreateColorButton ()
    if (m_palColorPicker.GetSafeHandle () == NULL)
        m_nNumColours = sizeof (crColours)/sizeof(ColourTableEntry);
        ASSERT(m_nNumColours <= MAX_COLOURS);
        if (m_nNumColours > MAX_COLOURS)
            m_nNumColours = MAX_COLOURS;

        // Create the palette
            LOGPALETTE    LogPalette;
            PALETTEENTRY  PalEntry[MAX_COLOURS];

        LOGPALETTE* pLogPalette = (LOGPALETTE*) &pal;
        pLogPalette->palVersion    = 0x300;
        pLogPalette->palNumEntries = (WORD) m_nNumColours; 

        for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumColours; i++)
            pLogPalette->palPalEntry[i].peRed   = GetRValue(crColours[i].crColour);
            pLogPalette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = GetGValue(crColours[i].crColour);
            pLogPalette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue  = GetBValue(crColours[i].crColour);
            pLogPalette->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;

        m_palColorPicker.CreatePalette (pLogPalette);

    CMFCColorMenuButton* pColorButton = new 
        CMFCColorMenuButton (ID_CHAR_COLOR, _T("Text Color..."), &m_palColorPicker);

    pColorButton->EnableAutomaticButton (_T("Automatic"), RGB (0, 0, 0));
    pColorButton->EnableOtherButton (_T("More Colors..."));
    pColorButton->EnableDocumentColors (_T("Document's Colors"));
    pColorButton->EnableTearOff (ID_COLOR_TEAROFF, 5, 2);
    pColorButton->SetColumnsNumber (8);

    // Initialize color names:
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumColours; i++)
        CMFCColorMenuButton::SetColorName (crColours[i].crColour, crColours[i].szName);

    return pColorButton;

Inheritance Hierarchy






Header: afxcolormenubutton.h


Constructs a CMFCColorMenuButton object.


    UINT uiCmdID,  
    LPCTSTR lpszText,  
    CPalette* pPalette=NULL);


[in] uiCmdID
A button command ID.

[in] lpszText
The button text.

[in] pPalette
A pointer to the button's color palette.

Return Value


The first constructor is the default constructor. The object's current color and automatic color are initialized to black (RGB(0, 0, 0)).

The second constructor initializes the button to the color that corresponds to the specified command ID.


Copies one CMFCToolBarMenuButton Class-derived object to another.

virtual void CopyFrom(const CMFCToolBarButton& src);


[in] src
Source button to copy.


Override this method to copy objects that are derived from the CMFCColorMenuButton object.


Creates a color picker dialog box.

virtual CMFCPopupMenu* CreatePopupMenu();

Return Value

An object that represents a color picker dialog box.


This method is called by the framework when the user presses a color menu button.


Enables and disables an "automatic" button that is positioned above the regular color buttons. (The standard system automatic button is labeled Automatic.)

void EnableAutomaticButton(
    LPCTSTR lpszLabel,  
    COLORREF colorAutomatic,  
    BOOL bEnable=TRUE);


[in] lpszLabel
Specifies the button text that is displayed when the button becomes automatic.

[in] colorAutomatic
Specifies a new automatic color.

[in] bEnable
Specifies whether the button is automatic or not.


The automatic button applies the current default color.


Enables the display of document-specific colors instead of system colors.

void EnableDocumentColors(
    LPCTSTR lpszLabel,  
    BOOL bEnable=TRUE);


[in] lpszLabel
Specifies the button text.

[in] bEnable
TRUE to display document-specific colors or FALSE to display system colors.


Use this method to display the current document colors or the system palette colors when the user clicks a color menu button.


Enables and disables an "other" button that is positioned below the regular color buttons. (The standard system "other" button is labeled More Colors….)

void EnableOtherButton(
    LPCTSTR lpszLabel,  
    BOOL bAltColorDlg=TRUE,  
    BOOL bEnable=TRUE);


[in] lpszLabel
Specifies the button text.

[in] bAltColorDlg
Specify TRUE to display the CMFCColorDialog dialog box, or FALSE to display the standard system color dialog box.

[in] bEnable
Specify TRUE to display the "other" button; otherwise, FALSE. The default is TRUE.



Enables the ability to tear off a color pane.

void EnableTearOff(
    UINT uiID,  
    int nVertDockColumns=-1,  
    int nHorzDockRows=-1);


[in] uiID
Specifies the ID for the tear-off pane.

[in] nVertDockColumns
Specifies the number of columns in the vertically docked color pane while in tear-off state.

[in] nHorzDockRows
Specifies the number of rows for the horizontally docked color pane while in tear-off state.


Call this method to enable the "tear-off" feature for the color pane that pops up when the CMFCColorMenuButton button is pressed.


Retrieves the current automatic color.

COLORREF GetAutomaticColor() const;  

Return Value

An RGB color value that represents the current automatic color.


Call this method to obtain the automatic color that is set by CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableAutomaticButton.


Retrieves the current button's color.

COLORREF GetColor() const;  

Return Value

The color of the button.



Retrieves the color that corresponds to a specified command ID.

static COLORREF GetColorByCmdID(UINT uiCmdID);


[in] uiCmdID
A command ID.

Return Value

The color that corresponds to the specified command ID.


Use this method when you have several color buttons in an application. When the user clicks a color button, the button sends its command ID in a WM_COMMAND message to its parent. The GetColorByCmdID method uses the command ID to retrieve the corresponding color.


Indicates whether empty menus are supported.

virtual BOOL IsEmptyMenuAllowed() const;  

Return Value

Nonzero if empty menus are allowed; otherwise, zero.


Empty menus are supported by default. Override this method to change this behavior in derived class.


Called by the framework when the parent window changes.

virtual void OnChangeParentWnd(CWnd* pWndParent);


[in] pWndParent
A pointer to the new parent window.



Called by the framework to display an image on a button.

virtual void OnDraw(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CRect& rect,  
    CMFCToolBarImages* pImages,  
    BOOL bHorz=TRUE,  
    BOOL bCustomizeMode=FALSE,  
    BOOL bHighlight=FALSE,  
    BOOL bDrawBorder=TRUE,  
    BOOL bGrayDisabledButtons=TRUE);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device context.

[in] rect
A rectangle that bounds the area to be redrawn.

[in] pImages
Points to a list of toolbar images.

[in] bHorz
TRUE to specify that the toolbar is in a horizontal docked state; otherwise, FALSE. The default is TRUE.

[in] bCustomizeMode
TRUE to specify that the application is in customization mode; otherwise, FALSE. The default is FALSE.

[in] bHighlight
TRUE to specify that the button is highlighted; otherwise, FALSE. The default is FALSE.

[in] bDrawBorder
TRUE to specify that the button's border is displayed; otherwise, FALSE. The default is TRUE.

[in] bGrayDisabledButtons
TRUE to specify that disabled buttons are grayed (dimmed) out; otherwise, FALSE. The default is TRUE.



Called by the framework before a CMFCColorMenuButton object is displayed in the list of a toolbar customization dialog box.

virtual int OnDrawOnCustomizeList(
    CDC* pDC,  
    const CRect& rect,  
    BOOL bSelected);


[in] pDC
A pointer to a device context.

[in] rect
A rectangle that bounds the button to be drawn.

[in] bSelected
TRUE specifies that the button is in selected state; otherwise, FALSE.

Return Value

The width of the button.


This method is called by the framework when a CMFCColorMenuButton object is displayed in the list box during the toolbar customization process.


Opens a color selection dialog box.

virtual BOOL OpenColorDialog(
    const COLORREF colorDefault,  
    COLORREF& colorRes);


[in] colorDefault
The default color that is selected in the color dialog box.

[out] colorRes
Returns the color that the user selects from the color dialog box.

Return Value

Nonzero if the user selects a new color; otherwise, zero.


When the menu button is clicked, call this method to open a color dialog box. If the return value is nonzero, the color that the user selects is stored in the colorRes parameter. Use the CMFCColorMenuButton::EnableOtherButton method to switch between the standard color dialog box and the CMFCColorDialog Class dialog box.


Sets the color of the current color button.

virtual void SetColor(
    COLORREF clr,  
    BOOL bNotify=TRUE);


[in] clr
An RGB color value.

[in] bNotify
TRUE to apply the clr parameter color to any associated menu button or toolbar button; otherwise, FALSE.


Call this method to change the color of the current color button. If the bNotify parameter is nonzero, the color of the corresponding button on any associated popup menu or toolbar is changed to the color specified by the clr parameter.


Sets the color of the specified color menu button.

static void SetColorByCmdID(
    UINT uiCmdID,  
    COLORREF color);


[in] uiCmdID
The resource ID of a color menu button.

[in] color
An RGB color value.


Sets a new name for the specified color.

static void SetColorName(
    COLORREF color,  
    const CString& strName);


[in] color
The RGB value of the color whose name changes.

[in] strName
The new name of the color.



Sets the number of columns to display in a color selection control ( CMFCColorBar object).

void SetColumnsNumber(int nColumns);


[in] nColumns
The number of columns to display.


See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CMFCColorBar Class
CMFCToolBar Class
CMFCToolBarsCustomizeDialog Class
CMFCColorButton Class