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CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup Class.

The CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup class is a helper class used by the CMFCTasksPane control. Objects of type CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup represent a task group. The task group is a list of items that the framework displays in a separate box that has a collapse button. The box can have an optional caption (group name). If a group is collapsed, the list of tasks is not visible.


class CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup : public CObject  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup Constructs a CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup object.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::~CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup Destructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::SetACCData Determines the accessibility data for the current task group.

Data Members

Name Description
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_bIsBottom Determines whether the task group is aligned to the bottom of the task pane control.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_bIsCollapsed Determines whether the task group is collapsed.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_bIsSpecial Determines whether the task group is special. The framework displays special captions in a different color.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_lstTasks Contains the internal list of tasks.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_rect Specifies the bounding rectangle of the group caption.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_rectGroup Specifies the bounding rectangle of the group.
CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup::m_strName Specifies the name of the group.


The following illustration shows an expanded task group:

Task group, expanded

The following illustration shows a collapsed task group:

Collapsed task group

The following illustration shows a task group without a caption:

Task group without a caption

The following illustration shows two task groups. The first task group is marked as special by setting the m_bIsSpecial flag to TRUE, while the second task group is not special. Note how the caption for the first task group is darker than the second task group:

Special task group

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: afxTasksPane.h


Constructs a CMFCTasksPaneTaskGroup object.

    LPCTSTR lpszName,  
    BOOL bIsBottom,  
    BOOL bIsSpecial=FALSE,  
    BOOL bIsCollapsed=FALSE,  
    CMFCTasksPanePropertyPage* pPage=NULL,  
    HICON hIcon=NULL);


Specifies the name of the group in the group caption.

Specifies whether the group is aligned to the bottom of the task pane control.

Specifies whether the group is designated as special and thus, whether the group caption is filled with a different color.

Specifies whether the group is collapsed.

Specifies the property page that this task group belongs to.

Specifies the icon that displays in the group caption.



Determines whether the task group is aligned to the bottom of the task pane control.

BOOL m_bIsBottom;  


Only one group can be aligned to the bottom of the task pane control. This task group must be added last. For more information, see CMFCTasksPane::AddGroup.


Determines whether the task group is collapsed.

BOOL m_bIsCollapsed;  


You can enable or disable the ability to collapse groups on the task pane by calling CMFCTasksPane::EnableGroupCollapse.


Determines whether the task group is special and whether the caption for a special task group should be identified by a different color.

BOOL m_bIsSpecial;  


If your application is using the Windows XP visual theme and m_bIsSpecial is FALSE, the framework calls DrawThemeBackground with the EBP_NORMALGROUPBACKGROUND flag. If m_bIsSpecial is TRUE, the framework calls DrawThemeBackground with the EBP_SPECIALGROUPBACKGROUND flag.


Contains the internal list of tasks.

CObList m_lstTasks;  


To fill this list, call CMFCTasksPane::AddTask.


Specifies the bounding rectangle of the group caption.

CRect m_rect;  


This value is automatically calculated by the framework.


Specifies the bounding rectangle of the group.

CRect m_rectGroup;  


This value is calculated automatically by the framework.


Specifies the name of the group.

CString m_strName;  


If this value is empty, the group caption is not displayed and the group cannot be collapsed.


Determines the accessibility data for the current task group.

virtual BOOL SetACCData(
    CWnd* pParent,  
    CAccessibilityData& data);


[in] pParent
Represents the parent window of the current task group.

[out] data
An object of type CAccessibilityData that is populated with the accessibility data of the current task group.

Return Value

TRUE if the data parameter was successfully populated with the accessibility data of the current task group; otherwise, FALSE.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CMFCTasksPane Class
CMFCTasksPaneTask Class
CMFCOutlookBar Class
CObject Class