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Output metadata

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Azure Media Services will be retired June 30th, 2024. For more information, see the AMS Retirement Guide.

An encoding job is associated with an input asset (or assets) on which you want to perform some encoding tasks. For example, encode an MP4 file to H.264 MP4 adaptive bitrate sets; create a thumbnail; create overlays. Upon completion of a task, an output asset is produced. The output asset contains video, audio, thumbnails, and other files. The output asset also contains a file with metadata about the output asset. The name of the metadata JSON file has the following format: <source_file_name>_manifest.json (for example, BigBuckBunny_manifest.json). You should scan for any *_metadata.json and query the filepath string within to find the source filename (without truncation).

Media Services does not preemptively scan input assets to generate metadata. Input metadata is generated only as an artifact when an input asset is processed in a job. Hence this artifact is written to the output asset. Different tools are used to generate metadata for input assets and output assets. Therefore, the input metadata has a slightly different schema than the output metadata.

This article discusses the elements and types of the JSON schema on which the output metadata (<source_file_name>_manifest.json) is based.

BaseName character length when using CopyVideo or CopyAudio presets

The {baseName} file naming macro used in the naming of the output metadata file is shortened to 32 chars when using any standard encoding preset or custom preset. However, to avoid a naming conflict when using one of the CopyCodec operations (CopyAudio or CopyVideo) in a custom preset, the {Basename} is limited to 64 chars. This is to support scenarios where customers want to archive all of the output files in their asset. If the filename is very long, the first 32 chars might be the same across multiple output files. In this case, the first 32 chars would produce duplicated output files when using CopyVideo or CopyAudio. As a result, the {Basename} behavior is to retain 64 chars if CopyCodec is used in the preset.

You can find the complete schema code and JSON example at the end of this article.


Collection of AssetFile entries for the encoding job.

Name Description
Sources Collection of input/source media files, that was processed in order to produce this AssetFile.
Example: "Sources": [{"Name": "Ignite-short_1280x720_AACAudio_3551.mp4"}]
VideoTracks Each physical AssetFile can contain in it zero or more videos tracks interleaved into an appropriate container format.
See VideoTracks.
AudioTracks Each physical AssetFile can contain in it zero or more audio tracks interleaved into an appropriate container format. This is the collection of all those audio tracks.
For more information, see AudioTracks.
The media asset file name.

Example: "Name": "Ignite-short_1280x720_AACAudio_3551.mp4"
Size of the asset file in bytes.

Example: "Size": 32414631
Content play back duration. For more information, see the ISO8601 format.

Example: "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"


Each physical AssetFile can contain in it zero or more videos tracks interleaved into an appropriate container format. The VideoTracks element represents a collection of all the video tracks.

Name Description
Zero-based index of this video track. Note: This Id is not necessarily the TrackID as used in an MP4 file.

Example: "Id": 1
Video codec FourCC code that is reported by ffmpeg.

Example: "FourCC": "avc1" | "hev1" | "hvc1"
Profile H264 profile (only applicable to H264 codec)

Example: "Profile": "High"
Level H264 level (only applicable to H264 codec).

Example: "Level": "3.2"
Encoded video width in pixels.

Example: "Width": "1280"
Encoded video height in pixels.

Example: "Height": "720"
Video display aspect ratio numerator.

Example: "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0
Video display aspect ratio denominator.

Example: "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0
Measured video frame rate in .3f format.

Example: "Framerate": 29.970
Average video bit rate in bits per second, as calculated from the AssetFile. Counts only the elementary stream payload, and does not include the packaging overhead.

Example: "Bitrate": 3551567
Target average bitrate for this video track, as requested via the encoding preset, in bits per second.

Example: "TargetBitrate": 3520000


Each physical AssetFile can contain in it zero or more audio tracks interleaved into an appropriate container format. The AudioTracks element represents a collection of all those audio tracks.

Name Description
Zero-based index of this audio track. Note: This is not necessarily the TrackID as used in an MP4 file.

Example: "Id": 2
Codec Audio track codec string.

Example: "Codec": "aac"
Language Example: "Language": "eng"
Number of audio channels.

Example: "Channels": 2
Audio sampling rate in samples/sec or Hz.

Example: "SamplingRate": 48000
Average audio bit rate in bits per second, as calculated from the AssetFile. Counts only the elementary stream payload, and does not include the packaging overhead.

Example: "Bitrate": 128041

JSON schema example

  "AssetFile": [
      "Sources": [
          "Name": "Ignite-short_1280x720_AACAudio_3551.mp4"
      "VideoTracks": [
          "Id": 1,
          "FourCC": "avc1",
          "Profile": "High",
          "Level": "3.2",
          "Width": "1280",
          "Height": "720",
          "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0,
          "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0,
          "Framerate": 29.970,
          "Bitrate": 3551567,
          "TargetBitrate": 3520000
      "AudioTracks": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Codec": "aac",
          "Language": "eng",
          "Channels": 2,
          "SamplingRate": 48000,
          "Bitrate": 128041
      "Name": "Ignite-short_1280x720_AACAudio_3551.mp4",
      "Size": 32414631,
      "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"
      "Sources": [
          "Name": "Ignite-short_960x540_AACAudio_2216.mp4"
      "VideoTracks": [
          "Id": 1,
          "FourCC": "avc1",
          "Profile": "High",
          "Level": "3.1",
          "Width": "960",
          "Height": "540",
          "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0,
          "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0,
          "Framerate": 29.970,
          "Bitrate": 2216326,
          "TargetBitrate": 2210000
      "AudioTracks": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Codec": "aac",
          "Language": "eng",
          "Channels": 2,
          "SamplingRate": 48000,
          "Bitrate": 128041
      "Name": "Ignite-short_960x540_AACAudio_2216.mp4",
      "Size": 20680897,
      "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"
      "Sources": [
          "Name": "Ignite-short_640x360_AACAudio_1150.mp4"
      "VideoTracks": [
          "Id": 1,
          "FourCC": "avc1",
          "Profile": "High",
          "Level": "3.0",
          "Width": "640",
          "Height": "360",
          "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0,
          "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0,
          "Framerate": 29.970,
          "Bitrate": 1150440,
          "TargetBitrate": 1150000
      "AudioTracks": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Codec": "aac",
          "Language": "eng",
          "Channels": 2,
          "SamplingRate": 48000,
          "Bitrate": 128041
      "Name": "Ignite-short_640x360_AACAudio_1150.mp4",
      "Size": 11313920,
      "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"
      "Sources": [
          "Name": "Ignite-short_480x270_AACAudio_722.mp4"
      "VideoTracks": [
          "Id": 1,
          "FourCC": "avc1",
          "Profile": "High",
          "Level": "2.1",
          "Width": "480",
          "Height": "270",
          "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0,
          "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0,
          "Framerate": 29.970,
          "Bitrate": 722682,
          "TargetBitrate": 720000
      "AudioTracks": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Codec": "aac",
          "Language": "eng",
          "Channels": 2,
          "SamplingRate": 48000,
          "Bitrate": 128041
      "Name": "Ignite-short_480x270_AACAudio_722.mp4",
      "Size": 7554708,
      "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"
      "Sources": [
          "Name": "Ignite-short_320x180_AACAudio_380.mp4"
      "VideoTracks": [
          "Id": 1,
          "FourCC": "avc1",
          "Profile": "High",
          "Level": "1.3",
          "Width": "320",
          "Height": "180",
          "DisplayAspectRatioNumerator": 16.0,
          "DisplayAspectRatioDenominator": 9.0,
          "Framerate": 29.970,
          "Bitrate": 380655,
          "TargetBitrate": 380000
      "AudioTracks": [
          "Id": 2,
          "Codec": "aac",
          "Language": "eng",
          "Channels": 2,
          "SamplingRate": 48000,
          "Bitrate": 128041
      "Name": "Ignite-short_320x180_AACAudio_380.mp4",
      "Size": 4548932,
      "Duration": "PT1M10.315S"

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