Recordset2.CacheStart property (DAO)

Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013

Sets or returns a value that specifies the bookmark of the first record in a dynaset-type Recordset object containing data to be locally cached from an ODBC data source (Microsoft Access workspaces only).


expression .CacheStart

expression A variable that represents a Recordset2 object.


Data caching improves performance if you use Recordset objects to retrieve data from a remote server. A cache is a space in local memory that holds the data most recently retrieved from the server; this is useful if users request the data again while the application is running. When users request data, the Microsoft Access database engine checks the cache for the requested data first rather than retrieving it from the server, which takes more time. The cache only saves data that comes from an ODBC data source.

Any Microsoft Access database engine-connected ODBC data source, such as a linked table, can have a local cache. To create the cache, open a Recordset object from the remote data source, set the CacheSize and CacheStart properties, and then use the FillCache method, or step through the records by using the Move methods.

The CacheStart property setting is the bookmark of the first record in the Recordset object to be cached. You can use the bookmark of any record to set the CacheStart property. Make the record you want to start the cache the current record, and set the CacheStart property equal to the Bookmark property.

The Microsoft Access database engine requests records within the cache range from the cache, and it requests records outside the cache range from the server.

Records retrieved from the cache don't reflect changes made concurrently to the source data by other users.

To force an update of all the cached data, set the CacheSize property of the Recordset object to 0, re-set it to the size of the cache you originally requested, and then use the FillCache method.