WasteQuantityAggregate table


Some or all of this functionality is available as part of a preview release. The content and the functionality are subject to change.

The WasteQuantityAggregate aggregate table stores the aggregated waste quantity at a comprehensive set of dimensions. CreateAggregateForWasteMetrics_INTB stores the computation logic to aggregate waste quantity from the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data model measurement tables.


To generate the WasteQuantityAggregate table, you need to map your source data to these ESG data model tables for the applicable scenario:

To understand the scenario when data is stored in respective tables, refer to ESG data estate overview.


Ensure that data isn't duplicated across the ESG data model tables.

If there are records in the measurement tables, but the attributes mapped to required fields in the aggregate table are missing, then aggregate table generation fails. You need to ensure that data for required fields is available for all the records in the ESG data model measurement tables.

This table shows the WasteQuantityAggregate table column descriptions and their mapping to ESG data model measurement tables.

Column name Is nullable Description Mapping to ESG data model table
WasteWeightUnits Required Stores the weight of processed waste. WasteWeight
WasteDiversionMethodName Optional Method of waste diversion, such as recovery or disposal.
- If WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionFromIndicator equals true, set WasteDiversionMethod to Waste diverted from disposal by recovery.
- If WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionFromIndicator equals false, set WasteDiversionMethod to Waste directed to disposal.
- If WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionFromIndicator is null, set WasteDiversionMethod to Others.
WasteDiversionMethodId > WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionFromIndicator
WasteDiversionMethodSubType Optional Field to further classify the waste diversion method. WasteDiversionMethodId > WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionMethodDescription
UnitOfMeasureName Required Specifies the unit of measurement for the Waste weight value.
The default unit of measure for this aggregate table is metricton. WasteWeightUnits is converted to metricton using the UnitOfMeasureConversion table. To use a different unit, update the UnitOfMeasureNames key for WasteQuantityAggregate in aggregate_tables_config.json.
WasteWeightUOMID > UnitOfMeasure.UnitOfMeasureName
HazardousWasteIndicator Optional Indicates whether the waste is hazardous. WasteMaterialTypeId > WasteMaterialType.HazardousWasteIndicator
RadioactiveWasteIndicator Optional Indicates whether the waste is radioactive. WasteMaterialTypeId > WasteMaterialType.RadioactiveWasteIndicator
WasteStreamName Optional Waste stream specific to the sector, such as metal tailings, e-waste, and construction and demolition. WasteStreamId > WasteStream.WasteStreamName
ReportingPeriod Required Specifies the period for which the waste generated quantity is aggregated. Currently, only calendar years are supported. Year of Period end date
CountrOrRegion Optional Specifies the country/region associated with the waste quantity.
Maps the Party's associated location's country/region as follows:
1. If Party or Secondary Party is of PartyType = Facility, map corresponding Facility.location.Country.ISOCountryName.
2. If PartyType = Organization unit, map PartyOrganization.Location.Country.ISOCountryName.
3. Else, map Party.PartyLocation.Country.ISOCountryName.
4. Else, map secondary party's Partylocation.Country.ISOCountryName.
WasteMaterialTypeName Optional Material composition of the waste, such as glass, plastic, metals, or biomass. WasteMaterialTypeId > WasteMaterialType.WasteMaterialTypeName
WasteCategoryName Optional Category of the waste, such as industrial waste, municipal waste, or consumer waste. WasteMaterialTypeId > WasteMaterialType.WasteCategoryId > WasteCategory.WasteCategoryName
WasteDiversionSiteType Optional The site type where the waste diversion occurs. WasteDiversionMethodId > WasteDiversionMethod.WasteDiversionHandlerIndicator
PartyName Required Name of the Party
Note – based on Config parameters section, PartyId here can be measurement table's PartyId or RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId.
PartyId > Party.PartyName
PartyId Required Unique identifier of the Party
Note – based on Config parameters section, PartyId here can be measurement table's PartyId or RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId.
PartyTypeName Required The Party type at which data is aggregated and stored in the aggregate tables.
Note – based on Config parameters section, PartyTypeNameId here can be measurement table's PartyId > Party.PartyTypeId > PartyTypeName or RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId > Party.PartyTypeId > PartyTypeName.
PartyId > Party.PartyTypeId > PartyTypeName
SecondaryPartyName Optional Name of the Secondary Party. Applicable when data is a combination of two parties, such as Facility and organization unit. Party and Secondary Party store constituent parties (such as Facility and Organization unit). PartyId > RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId > Party.PartyName
SecondaryPartyId Optional Unique identifier of the Secondary Party. PartyId > RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId
SecondaryPartyTypeName Optional The Party type at which data is aggregated and stored in the aggregate tables. PartyId > RelatedParty.RelatedPartyId > Party.PartyTypeId > PartyType.PartyTypeName
IsRolledUp Optional IsRolledUp flag indicates whether a row is a rolled-up record or not.
The computation logic always generates the aggregate table with this flag as false.
Capability provides a utility function to roll up records in the aggregate table along the organization's hierarchy (Party or secondary party dimension). The rolled-up records are also stored in the same aggregate table.
Calculated column. Value not mapped from ESG data model tables.

To view other properties of the ESG data model table, refer to the ESGSchema.json file in the ConfigAndDemoData lakehouse. Refer ESG data estate overview for details about ingesting, transforming, and loading data into ESG data model tables.

Configuration parameters

Set up configuration parameters in the same way as for the EmissionsAggregate table.