microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Entity that represents the health thresholds of a health metric
Method | Return Type | Description |
List microsoftTunnelHealthThresholds | microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold collection | List properties and relationships of the microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold objects. |
Get microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | Read properties and relationships of the microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold object. |
Create microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | Create a new microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold object. |
Delete microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | None | Deletes a microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold. |
Update microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold | Update the properties of a microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier for the metric name. Supports: $delete, $update. $Insert, $skip, $top is not supported. Read-only. |
healthyThreshold | Int64 | The threshold for being healthy based on default health status metrics: CPU usage healthy < 50%, Memory usage healthy < 50%, Disk space healthy > 5GB, Latency healthy < 10ms, health metrics can be customized. |
unhealthyThreshold | Int64 | The threshold for being unhealthy based on default health status metrics: CPU usage unhealthy > 75%, Memory usage unhealthy > 75%, Disk space < 3GB, Latency Unhealthy > 20ms, health metrics can be customized. |
defaultHealthyThreshold | Int64 | The threshold for being healthy based on default health status metrics: CPU usage healthy < 50%, Memory usage healthy < 50%, Disk space healthy > 5GB, Latency healthy < 10ms, health metrics can be customized. Read-only. |
defaultUnhealthyThreshold | Int64 | The threshold for being unhealthy based on default health status metrics: CPU usage unhealthy > 75%, Memory usage unhealthy > 75%, Disk space < 3GB, Latency unhealthy > 20ms, health metrics can be customized. Read-only. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.microsoftTunnelHealthThreshold",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"healthyThreshold": 1024,
"unhealthyThreshold": 1024,
"defaultHealthyThreshold": 1024,
"defaultUnhealthyThreshold": 1024