windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity resource represents a Windows Autopilot Device.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The GUID for the object |
deploymentProfileAssignmentStatus | windowsAutopilotProfileAssignmentStatus | Profile assignment status of the Windows autopilot device. Possible values are: unknown , assignedInSync , assignedOutOfSync , assignedUnkownSyncState , notAssigned , pending , failed . |
deploymentProfileAssignmentDetailedStatus | windowsAutopilotProfileAssignmentDetailedStatus | Profile assignment detailed status of the Windows autopilot device. Possible values are: none , hardwareRequirementsNotMet , surfaceHubProfileNotSupported , holoLensProfileNotSupported , windowsPcProfileNotSupported , surfaceHub2SProfileNotSupported , unknownFutureValue . |
deploymentProfileAssignedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Profile set time of the Windows autopilot device. |
groupTag | String | Group Tag of the Windows autopilot device. |
purchaseOrderIdentifier | String | Purchase Order Identifier of the Windows autopilot device. |
serialNumber | String | Serial number of the Windows autopilot device. |
productKey | String | Product Key of the Windows autopilot device. |
manufacturer | String | Oem manufacturer of the Windows autopilot device. |
model | String | Model name of the Windows autopilot device. |
enrollmentState | enrollmentState | Intune enrollment state of the Windows autopilot device. Possible values are: unknown , enrolled , pendingReset , failed , notContacted , blocked . |
lastContactedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Intune Last Contacted Date Time of the Windows autopilot device. |
addressableUserName | String | Addressable user name. |
userPrincipalName | String | User Principal Name. |
resourceName | String | Resource Name. |
skuNumber | String | SKU Number |
systemFamily | String | System Family |
azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId | String | AAD Device ID - to be deprecated |
azureAdDeviceId | String | AAD Device ID |
managedDeviceId | String | Managed Device ID |
displayName | String | Display Name |
deviceAccountUpn | String | Surface Hub Device Account Upn |
deviceAccountPassword | String | Surface Hub Device Account Password |
deviceFriendlyName | String | Surface Hub Device Friendly Name |
remediationState | windowsAutopilotDeviceRemediationState | Device Remediation State. Possible values are: unknown , noRemediationRequired , automaticRemediationRequired , manualRemediationRequired , unknownFutureValue . |
remediationStateLastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | RemediationState set time of Autopilot device. |
userlessEnrollmentStatus | windowsAutopilotUserlessEnrollmentStatus | Enrollment status for userless enrollments. Possible values are: unknown , allowed , blocked , unknownFutureValue . |
Relationship | Type | Description |
deploymentProfile | windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile | Deployment profile currently assigned to the Windows autopilot device. |
intendedDeploymentProfile | windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile | Deployment profile intended to be assigned to the Windows autopilot device. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deploymentProfileAssignmentStatus": "String",
"deploymentProfileAssignmentDetailedStatus": "String",
"deploymentProfileAssignedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"groupTag": "String",
"purchaseOrderIdentifier": "String",
"serialNumber": "String",
"productKey": "String",
"manufacturer": "String",
"model": "String",
"enrollmentState": "String",
"lastContactedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"addressableUserName": "String",
"userPrincipalName": "String",
"resourceName": "String",
"skuNumber": "String",
"systemFamily": "String",
"azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId": "String",
"azureAdDeviceId": "String",
"managedDeviceId": "String",
"displayName": "String",
"deviceAccountUpn": "String",
"deviceAccountPassword": "String",
"deviceFriendlyName": "String",
"remediationState": "String",
"remediationStateLastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"userlessEnrollmentStatus": "String"