taskDefinition resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph.identityGovernance
Represents the built-in tasks that you can use to construct tasks for lifecycle workflows. Each task has a unique template identifier. For a full list of available built-in tasks, see Configure the arguments for built-in Lifecycle Workflow tasks.
Inherits from entity.
Method | Return type | Description |
List | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskDefinition collection | Get a list of the taskDefinition objects and their properties. |
Get | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskDefinition | Read the properties and relationships of a taskDefinition object. |
Property | Type | Description |
category | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.lifecycleTaskCategory | The category of the HR function that the tasks created using this definition can be used with. The possible values are: joiner , mover , leaver , unknownFutureValue . This is a multi-valued enumeration whose allowed combinations are joiner , joiner,leaver , or leaver .Supports $filter (eq , ne , has ) and $orderby . |
continueOnError | Boolean | Defines if the workflow will continue if the task has an error. |
description | String | The description of the taskDefinition. |
displayName | String | The display name of the taskDefinition. Supports $filter (eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
id | String | The unique identifier for the taskDefinition. Inherited from entity. |
parameters | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.parameter collection | The parameters that must be supplied when creating a workflow task object. Supports $filter (any ). |
version | Int32 | The version number of the taskDefinition. New records are pushed when we add support for new parameters. Supports $filter (ge , gt , le , lt , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskDefinition",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"category": "String",
"continueOnError": "Boolean",
"description": "String",
"displayName": "String",
"parameters": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.parameter"
"version": "Integer"