Payroll variable compensation plan
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Payroll variable compensation plan entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
This entity provides the variable compensation plan assigned for a given position of an employee.
Physical name: mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentity.
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Personnel number mshr_personnelnumber String |
Read-only | The employee's unique personnel number. |
Award date mshr_awarddate Date Time Offset |
Read-only | Date of the award. |
Award type mshr_awardtype mshr_HrmCompVarAwardEmplType option set |
Read-only | The type of the award defined for the variable compensation plan. |
Currency mshr_unitcurrencycode String |
Read-only | The currency defined for the variable compensation plan. |
Fixed compensation plan ID mshr_fixedplanid String |
Read-only | The fixed compensation plan that is used as a basis for the calculation of the award. |
Unit value mshr_awardamount Decimal |
Read-only | The value of the unit |
Process type mshr_processtype mshr_hrmCompProcessType option set |
Read-only | The process type. |
Variable compensation plan type String mshr_typeid |
Read-only | The type of the variable compensation plan. |
Variable compensation plan ID String mshr_planid |
Read-only | The id of the variable compensation plan. |
Number of units Decimal mshr_numberofunits |
Read-only | The number of units of the award. |
Primary field mshr_primaryfield GUID |
Read-only System generated. |
Payroll Variable Compensation Plan entity mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentityid GUID |
System generated | A system-generated GUID value to uniquely identify the compensation plan. |
Property value | Related entity | Navigation property | Collection type |
_mshr_fk_employee_id_value | mshr_payrollemployeeentity | mshr_FK_Employee_id | mshr_FK_PayrollEmployeeEntity_VariableCompAward |
_mshr_fk_fixedcomp_id_value | mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentity | mshr_FK_FixedComp_id | mshr_FK_PayrollFixedCompensationPlanEntity_VariableCompAward |
Example query
GET [Organizaton URI]/api/data/v9.1/mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentities?$filter=mshr_personnelnumber eq '000046'
"mshr_personnelnumber": "000046",
"mshr_awarddate": "2015-01-15T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_awardtype": 200000000,
"mshr_unitcurrencycode": "USD",
"mshr_fixedplanid": "",
"mshr_unitvalue": 1,
"mshr_processtype": 200000003,
"mshr_typeid": "Bonus",
"mshr_planid": "MgBonus",
"mshr_numberofunits": 1500,
"mshr_primaryfield": "000046 | MgBonus | Bonus | 1/15/2015",
"_mshr_fk_employee_id_value": "00000666-0000-0000-daff-004105000000",
"mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentityid": "000001a4-0000-0000-0d00-005001000000",
"_mshr_fk_fixedcomp_id_value": null