Payroll fixed compensation plan
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Payroll fixed compensation plan entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
This entity provides the fixed compensation plan assigned for a given position of an employee.
Physical name: mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentity.
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Plan ID mshr_planid String |
Read-only | Specifies the compensation plan. |
Personnel number mshr_personnelnumber String |
Read-only | The employee's unique personnel number. |
Pay rate mshr_payrate Decimal |
Read-only | Pay rate defined in fixed compensation plan. |
Position ID mshr_positionid String |
Read-only | Position ID associated with the employee and fixed compensation plan enrollment. |
Valid from mshr_validfrom Date Time Offset |
Read-only | Date the employee fixed compensation is valid from. |
Valid to mshr_validto Date Time Offset |
Read-only | Date the employee fixed compensation is valid to. |
Pay frequency mshr_payfrequency String |
Read-only | The ID of the compensation pay frequency for the given pay rate. |
Currency mshr_currency String |
Read-only | The currency defined for the fixed compensation plan. |
Payroll Fixed Compensation Plan entity mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentityid GUID |
System generated | A system-generated GUID value to uniquely identify the compensation plan. |
Property value | Related entity | Navigation property | Collection type |
_mshr_fk_employee_id_value | mshr_payrollemployeeentity | mshr_FK_Employee_id | mshr_FK_PayrollEmployeeEntity_FixedCompPlan |
_mshr_fk_job_id_value | mshr_payrollpositionjobentity | mshr_FK_Job_id | mshr_FK_PayrollPositionJobEntity_FixedCompPlan |
_mshr_fk_payrollposition_id_value | mshr_payrollpositionentity | mshr_FK_PayrollPosition_id | mshr_FK_PayrollPositionEntity_FixedCompPlan |
_mshr_fk_plan_id_value | mshr_hcmcompfixedplantableentity | mshr_FK_Plan_id | - |
_mshr_fk_variablecompaward_id_value | mshr_payrollvariablecompensationawardentity | mshr_FK_VariableCompAward_id | mshr_FK_PayrollVariableCompensationAwardEntity_FixedComp |
Example query
GET [Organizaton URI]/api/data/v9.1/mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentities?$filter=mshr_personnelnumber eq @personnelnumber and mshr_validfrom le @asofdate and mshr_validto ge @asofdate&@personnelnumber='000041'&@asofdate=2021-04-01
"mshr_planid": "GradeC",
"mshr_personnelnumber": "000041",
"mshr_payrate": 75200,
"mshr_positionid": "000276",
"mshr_validfrom": "2011-04-05T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_validto": "2154-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"mshr_payfrequency": "Annual",
"mshr_currency": "USD",
"_mshr_fk_employee_id_value": "00000d3c-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"_mshr_fk_plan_id_value": "0000070c-0000-0000-b328-fef003000000",
"_mshr_fk_job_id_value": "00010094-0000-0000-df00-014105000000",
"mshr_payrollfixedcompensationplanentityid": "0000029f-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"_mshr_fk_payroll_id_value": null