Navigate to the container where you uploaded the file, select the required audio file, and then select Shared access tokens. Specify the required permissions, start, and expiry dates.
The audio file doesn't play after the expiry date. Make sure to specify this date accordingly.
Select Generate SAS token and URL. Copy the value in BLOB SAS URL.
Add the URL to the bot
Navigate to Copilot Studio and perform the following steps:
Select the voice bot to which you want to add the audio file as a latency message.
In the message box, specify the SSML tag, <audio src=""/>, and paste the BLOB SAS URL you copied from the Azure portal as the value of the src attribute. For example, <audio src="https://<storageaccount>$web/<audiofile>?<SAS token>"/>. Learn more in Format speech synthesis with SSML.
Save and publish the bot.
For classic bots, you can add audio files using Azure Blob Storage. Security scanning code filters out certain values from Azure Blob storage URLs by default when they're passed between systems.