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ReplicationDatabase.AllowMergePublication Property


Specifies whether or not the database can be published using merge replication.

 property bool AllowMergePublication { bool get(); };
public bool AllowMergePublication { get; }
member this.AllowMergePublication : bool
Public ReadOnly Property AllowMergePublication As Boolean

Property Value

A Boolean value that specifies whether or not the database supports merge publications. If true, the database allows merge publications. If false, the database does not allow merge publications.


When a database is the subscription database for a client subscription, it cannot also be a publication database. To republish from a subscription database, the subscription must be a server subscription. For more information, see Subscribe to Publications. The AllowMergePublication property is false when the database is a subscription database for a client subscription.

The AllowMergePublication property can be retrieved by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or by a member of the db_owner fixed database role on the replication database.

Applies to